Nature – Reflection

I spent my time outside watching the little creek that runs behind the school. The wind was making the water ripple, the trees sway, and the my skin freeze. There was one tree that I could not seem to get my eyes off of. It big and sturdy with moss growing from the ground to its branches. What astonished me was the fact that the leafless tree was the only one covered in moss within my eyesight. The other trees looked naked and fragile compared to this tree. It leaned over the creek, making it seem as though it’s meant to be an archway and through it, I could see straight through to the other side of the forest, a clearing presenting the school parking lot. During this process, I felt calm and at ease, being in nature, doing nothing. It’s not something many of us do often, or at all, and I find it important to keep in touch with our surroundings to always be aware and appreciative of the nature we have the privilege with which we surround ourselves.

One thought on “Nature – Reflection

  1. Excellent description. We really do notice a lot more when we just have time to “do nothing”. We’ll be doing more of this with our community so stay observant!

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