Making Babies – Gertrude

Gertrude, our beautiful and unique baby,  has a round face, light tan skin, straight hair with a Widow’s peak, dark, bushy, and connected eyebrows, light blue eyes that are small, round, and far apart, long eyelashes, average sized mouth with thick lips and dimples, and freckles.

  1. How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?

It relates to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions because there’s a 50/50 chance of which trait or gene you can inherit.

  1. How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?

This simulation does not represent real life because genes and traits are not decided by a coin flip.

  1. Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from?

Yes, there were some traits that were more desirable and others that weren’t. Traits that are shown in the media in a good way are often more desirable compared to others that are shown in a negative way.