1. The role statistics play in our society:  Statistics helps us in a lot of ways in life, In math, real life and other things. It helps us when we want to show percentages and possibilities and more, to analyze, present and organize. And we can expect or know what might be coming if we use statistics. For example, weather forecasts uses statistics to show the possibilities or chance of rain and weather conditions, and let us know what we can expect. Makes our lives easier sometime by letting us know almost the exact value without us having to guess.  Statistics are used in a lot of areas, such as weather forecasts, predicting diseases, markets and political campaigns.
  2. What I have learned after reading the article:   I learned that there are many misleading statistics, and we should not depend on statistics and numbers too much. People will often make up statistics or make the statistics way more dramatic than it actually is. So it may be misleading to the people. SoI we shouldn’t rely on them too much for accurate information.
  3. Different types of problems: We might get the influence of luck I the number of people and their opinions, so all the people we interview might have all the same votes, and the way we pick people to ask might affect it as well. The questions asked to people might have an influence on the answer, the way they ask or the way they phrase it might make it get more negative or positive responses. Statistics may be true but it’s misleading, if you chose the starting and end point of the data differently, you will get different answers. Ranking can be misleading because they usually don’t tell us which part or subject we’re ranking them on. The words they use for statistics can often mislead us, they use lots of different words to make it sound more exiting or impressive. These words may exclude categories. They may use percentages or choose not to use them to make it sound more dramatic than it actually is.