3 strategies for determining how reliable a webpage’s info is:

  1. Is there an about us section? Because that means that they’re willing give out their informations.
  2. Can i verify this information? If the informations they have are not true, the website would not be trust worthy.
  3. What is the domain ?(.com, .org, .net) Is it a personal page or a site? This information could help identify who this website was for, and if it’s reliable.


How to get to the URL:click n Library on the riverside homepage, and you log on with your school logon. And then you click on the red “Click Here!” where you will see Academic Search Premier under EBSCO Databases. Click on Academic Search premier then log on with “riversiderapids” and password “library”. Search key word”Animal”, select the first publication called “Animal Intelligence”.

I learned that not all sites are reliable just because it’s on the internet, and not all informations on the internet are real. Some sources are not reliable enough for us to know if its true informations or not. So i have to be careful not to use these fake websites for researching.