Svalbard, Norway. 2016.

The image shows the entrance to the seed vault in Norway.

The Vault stores duplicates/backups of seed samples from the world’s crop collections. Permafrost and thick rock ensure that seeds will remain frozen. It is insurance for the world’s food supply,  so future generations can overcome the challenges of climate change and population growth. It’s a backup for all seeds in the world.

The insurance method to secure seeds in the world from climate change dangers is easily applicable. A vault is a simple way to prevent and protect plants and securing food supply in case of future disasters. The vault, however, needs to be in a specific temperature and location for the seeds to be frozen. The effectiveness is questionable because this method is safekeeping seeds from dangers, but no actual actions or plans to change the climate directly. It is part of the solution as climate change increases; however, the method doesn’t come in useful until a massive disaster occurs or global warming is at its worst state.

Orkney, Scotland

Wave power converts the periodic up-and-down movement of the ocean waves into electricity by placing equipment on the surface of the oceans. It captures the energy from waves and converts into mechanical energy into electrical power. The kinetic energy of the wave turns a turbine attached to a generator, which produces electricity. They include offshore, shoreline and nearshore devices.

The wave power method to generate sustainable energy is clever, but not easily applicable to all places. Places farther away from oceans wouldn’t be able to apply this method. This method also requires many devices offshore, in the water, on the ocean floor, etc. And these wave conversion devices require specific locations where the waves are consistently strong. The method includes high construction, maintenance and power distribution costs, as well as inconsistent power generation due to irregular waves. The devices can also be destroyed due to stormy or violent environments.