My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Climate Data

Brazil- Tropical

Namibia- Dry

The United Kingdom- Mild Temperature

North Korea- Snow

  1. Are world temperatures and precipitation changing? Explain how.  All 4 country temperatures are increasing, all of them started increasing dramatically in 1961-1990, it’s a very slope line from 1961-1990 to 1991-2016. Brazil and the UK’s precipitation is increasing while North Korea and Namibia’s is decreasing. The precipitation in the Mild temperature and Tropical area are increasing; Dry and snow areas precipitations are decreasing. Brazil’s temperature increased quickly because it is close to the equator.
  2. What conclusions can you make about how climate change is occurring in different areas? North Korea’s temperature is increasing at a slower rate than others because they’re located in a snow climate zone. 1960-1991 is an era where all 4 countries’ temperature started increasing dramatically because it is the era where technology started to bloom and the modern industrialization advanced.
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