My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Innovation Project Blog


2) Core Competency: Creative Thinking Skills

This project helped my approach to my ideas, I learned how to make my ideas better by researching more and talking to my group more. And as i researched i came up with shortcuts or how to actually make my ideas work. I took the fan idea of the vacuum, i remembered that i made a turbine with a plastic bottle in middle school, i used that idea and made it work. I thought back to my old ideas and came up with better ways of doing them. I learned some things about what not to do as well, while failing at attempts.

3) Collaboration reflection: I wouldn’t say our group was the best at collaborating. Few members of my group were working hard and some members weren’t participating a lot. I think i could have try to include others little more, and not only work with the people participating, but actually communicating and gathering up other’s ideas as well. Some of the members could have participated more and join the conversation. We did have a lot of good ideas, and we all voted on the one we liked. It was better than doing it by myself, because i got more ideas combining them together made one idea stronger.

4) Experience Debrief:

-What did you like/learn? I like the fact that we all got to work together, I learned more about electricity through this project, and about vacuum cleaners. Researching helped me know more about the circuits. And i liked that we got to build an actual circuit or a example of what would be in our device.

-dislike? I didn’t like how the teachers asked more about the idea of the project than electricity.

-What would you do differently? I would focus more about the idea and the device, to make it a better idea and solve the problem better using our innovation. I would have made a powerpoint or presentation so it would be easier to show it to the dragons.

-What advice would you give your group if you could send a message? I wold say to not think too hard or stress about the project, and don’t come up with a huge idea that you don’t know anything about. Because there are a lot of researching to do, and it will be stressful.

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