Physics 11 Midterm Reflection and Goal Setting

Chosen pillar: Personal Responsibility

Through studying and active listening, I have a good understanding of the course content.

However, upon honest reflection, I acknowledge that there are areas where I can improve my approach to learning and studying in Physics 11. While I understand the content well, there have been instances where I have allowed laziness to creep in, leading me to skip steps. For example, I have occasionally not written out all the formulas or variables explicitly when solving problems. Instead, I rely on my understanding of the concepts to guide me through the calculations, which could lead to errors. Additionally, I have sometimes skipped checking my work with the answer key, especially when I feel confident in my understanding of the problem.

While these shortcuts may save time in the short term, they can ultimately hinder my overall learning and comprehension. By failing to fully engage with the material and rigorously apply myself to each task, I risk missing out on valuable opportunities for growth and development. Furthermore, relying too heavily on confidence without thorough verification can lead to careless mistakes and inaccuracies.

To address these areas of improvement, I am committed to adopting a more disciplined approach to my studies. I will strive to resist the temptation to take shortcuts and instead prioritize thoroughness and accuracy in my work. This may involve taking the time to write out all relevant formulas and variables, as well as checking my answers for errors.



Revisiting Midterm Goal Setting – June 17

Looking back, I think I was able to improve on completing work in a disciplined fashion, though there is always room to improve. I was able to organize my writing more and show more steps. I also verified my answers more even when I felt confident. I said there is always room for improvement because I still sometimes don’t do everything step by step, like writing out formulas, but I think it can be allowed given that I show everything on tests.

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