Final Self Assessment Goal Review and Reflection – Life Sc 11

Chosen pillar: Content Understanding


Through studying and listening, I have been able to understand the content of biology well.

However, I acknowledge that there is room for improvement, for example, in my participation during class discussions and activities. While I have absorbed the content, I don’t participate in class discussions as much. Therefore, I have decided to set my goal on being more participating during class discussions and lessons. I recognize the importance of engaging with my peers and teacher to deepen my comprehension further, raising my hand more frequently during lessons can not only benefit my own understanding but also contribute to a more collaborative classroom environment. Through active participation, I can clarify concepts that may be unclear, seek clarification on challenging topics, and share my own insights and interpretations with classmates.

Goal Setting Update: I didn’t reach my goal, because honestly I forgot I even set a goal for this class. At the same time, part of the reason I forgot is because we had a substitute teacher for 2 weeks, meaning we barely had any class discussions as most of the content became self-taught.

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