Gender Equality: Gaming Industry

Article: Gender Inequality in Video Games: The History of Gender-Related Issues in Gaming – Parallax Media


This article is about the gender issues in gaming. The main point of the article is how the gaming scene has been dominated by males for a long time, and how things are coming to change. Women in video games are usually portrayed as perfect women who are waiting to be saved by male players. This stereotyping, has strayed women away from some main-stream games. In video games, the males are always wearing the bulky armor indicating great strength of a character. Researchers from United States took the top 150 video games that came out near the year 2006, and they found out that 85% of video game characters were male. Video game characters are predominantly male, and a lot of people want to play characters they can relate to. The lack of female characters isn’t the only problem. There’s also the game developing scene, which again, males are dominating. Female developers can help make games with better gender rules. Gender inequality is still an issue in video games, but recently with help from gaming communities, indie developers, feminist movements, and people who are demanding change it has been steadily improving. I chose this article because I’m into video games and was interested on the situation. This article relates to The Friday Everything Changed because like with the short-story, there’s been ongoing solutions for these problems that are resolving the issue of gender inequality in video games.

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