Ways Adults can lessen the effects of green house gases

How can Adults lessen the amount of green house

gases released in the air?

           One of the leading factors for green house gases is car emissions. Car emissions are a leading factor in green house gases today, especially because the car count as of today is over 1 billion. One of the easiest solution to lower the amount of car emissions is being smart about driving your car and using your bike as frequently as possible.        


            Another huge criminal in the green house gases scene is pollution and land fill. Just by recycling we can reduce a lot of the green house gases in the air. The reason this helps is because, when you don’t recycle paper especially, it will decompose in the garbage land fills which ultimately results in the production of methane gas. Methane gas is one of the worst kinds of green house gases if everybody recycled at least 1 piece of paper, it would make a huge difference.


            Lastly, be energy efficient. This might not be as obvious as some of the other factors so let me expand. Power is created by burning fossil fuels like coal, and oil. If we lessen the use of energy, then we don’t have to use as many fossil fuels to meet our requirements.

All information

How I got this information

(1)When I first started, I asked the question, “How can adults reduce greenhouse gases?” While I was researching, I found little pieces of information so I narrowed it down and looked at the causes of green house gases and I found things like car emissions and land fills, I took these factors and individually searched for ways to reduce them but I found little information.(2) I then decided to use different search engines to find more information instead of using only google, I decided to use YouTube and look at other peoples opinions like MinuteEarth.(3) After I gathered all my information from taking notes on the videos and blogs, it was still a big mess so I organized the information and separated it into three 3 main factors: car emissions, landfills, and energy efficiency.(4) I verified all of the information by looking at how trustworthy the site was, the feedback other people gave it, and looked up the same information and see if it was commonly  found correct. (5) I could have used more thann 2 sources to find more information. The process went smoothly, but there were some bumps along the way like lack of information.




Car count= http://wardsauto.com/news-analysis/world-vehicle-population-tops-1-billion-units

 Recycling= http://www.paperrecyclingcoalition.com/recycled/index.php/policyissues/how-recycling-paper-fights-global-warming/

 Power efficient: https://www.saveonenergy.com/energy-saving-tips/how-does-saving-energy-help-the-environment/

Light Bulb photo by Gisela Giardino: https://goo.gl/5rM3pt

Car Photo by Alexandr Trubetskoy: https://flic.kr/p/atx9CN


Trash Photo by Zolakoma: https://flic.kr/p/5ssptj




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