paper rocket reflection

part 1

1. Draw a path of trajectory of your rocket


2. Which force is acting on the rocket at the moment of launch? (use arrows to indicate direction)  the force is trust.

3. As the rocket was half-way up, which force(s) is/are acting on the rocket? (use arrows) the force is drag.

4. As the rocket begins to veer into another direction, which force is acting on the rocket? Explain why this is happening.

the gravitational force pulls down the rocket making it go into another direction.

5. Did some rockets work better than others? How does the shape of the nose and fin effect the trajectory of the rocket? Explain in terms of the four forces that act on a rocket ship.

yes some did go higher then others, and its because the thinner the nose or the lighter the fins are the higher it goes.

the four forces that act on a rocket:

  1. trust – the rocket uses trust to create lift.
  2. lift – the rocket lifts up for the ground.
  3. drag – the force that is going against the rocket like the wind.
  4. gravity – the force that brings the rocket back down to the ground.