Shakespeare’s Authorship

(Shakespeare’s grave in Stratford-Upon-Avon.)

I think there is a lot of ‘evidence’ that shows that Shakespeare did not write all of his works, I think he wrote them all and the movie shows a very bias point of view. How can we assume he only wrote within a certain amount of time when we don’t even know his actual birthday. Maybe he learnt when  he acted or when he was very young, we have no records supporting either side. The movie is over analyzing his life and his works, even if he didn’t write his plays; he’s dead and his name is already on the plays. Instead of wasting time trying to answer questions that are pretty much buried maybe try written a play or a sonnet.

Bard in the Classroom Reflection

(A tableau of a comedy and where everyone is praising and laughing at Anna)

After completing the Bard on the Beach three day workshop, I have a better understanding of how the acting of Shakespeare’s plays work but not so much how Much Ado About Nothing is laid out and who the characters are. I believe they did a good job of teaching how to read the plays and how to say the verses and lines. I understand that Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy because it ends in a wedding and it’s very humorous and ironic. Many of the activities we did were very fun but also humiliating to do in front of your peers. I believe they could improve on the overall message of play, we did not talk about how the play is laid out nor how the characters are, if we did; we only touched upon it.  In the photo above it shows one of the tableaus we had to do for comedies, none of us knew what to do so we just started to laugh and Anna step in the middle and did a dance move. My favorite part of the workshop was probably the tableaus because it was easy and we didn’t have to speak and talk in front of everyone.

Non-Fiction Advertising Analysis


Pepsi’s 2016 and 2017 ad for Diet Pepsi features Sofia Vergara and the new skinny can. The ad is selling the new skinny can style, and shows Sofia drinking Pepsi with a straw and a big blue floppy hat. The product is mostly being sold to those who are on a diet or trying to lose weight. Some visual techniques are the bright colours of the background and hat representing the blue in the logo and red lipstick t represent the red in the logo. The vibrant colours are eye catching and would get people to stare. The font is skinny relates to the new can. Ethos is the main techniques used because they use Sofia to sell their product and get people to buy it because she uses it. Some advertising persuasive techniques Pepsi uses snob appeal and transfer. Snob appeal in the ad is that when she is drinking Pepsi she looks glamourous with her lipstick and hat with her long hair maybe drinking Pepsi will make help make someone famous or live a luxurious life. Transfer would be the positive look of the ad and that it’s the new skinny look, overall look of the ad is sending a positive message to buyers.