3D Art 11

Week #, Date. Title (projects worked on) 

  1. Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.  (minimum 3 photos)
  2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
  3. Your biggest success of the week.
  4. Goal for next week.


Week 1, September 7th, 2023. intro to 3D Art 11.

  1. I found these pictures very inspiring and am looking forward to making things like these ones in this class
  2. My biggest struggle this week was teams was not letting me join my team but i finally got it.
  3. my biggest success was making my page on Edublog.
  4. my goal for next week is to be able to start with making some clay projets on the wheel.


Assignment: Elements and principals of art

Week 2,spetember 15th, 2023. the principals and elements of art. 

  1. this week I worked on and finished my project called Pricipals and Elements in Art.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was that it took me a really long time to try and figure out what every element and principle meant and looked like
  3. my biggest success this week was finishing my elements and principles of art.
  4. my goal for next week is to get started and maybe even finish my Life on land project,



September 20th, Week 3, Life on Land Research

How are penguins threatened?

1)Global Warming Global warming is one of the major risk factors that is creating adverse conditions for penguins.

2) Human Interference Human activity is one of the primary reasons for the risks posed to penguins.

3) Oil Spills In modern times, oil spills have become a cause of concern for penguins as well as other aquatic animals.

4) Excessive Fishing

I can help the penguins by

  • Donate to one of the “Help Penguins Now” causes
  • Adopt a penguin.


Week 4, spetmeber 28th. my penguin `

  1. this week we started our paper mache animals and I decided to make a penguin.
  2. my biggest struggle this wil was to make my penguin stand up straight
  3. Your biggest success this week was gluing all my cardboard together and it fit together perfectly
  4. my goal for next week is to get my first layer of paper mache onto my penguin.


september 28th. week 4. Inquire project

What would you like to investigate/make as a term-long project? 

  • I would like to start making vases on the wheel and in the end, hopefully, make a fairly big vase
  • DIY Clay Decorated Bud Vase Kit/ Make your own COLOR bud vase/ Crafting kit/ Vase Craft kit ...Air Dry Clay Tutorials: How to make vases with air dry clayDhukuti by Association for Craft Producers
What do you need to get started?
  • to make this project I would need clay and to work on the wheel. I would like to make a big vase for my mom because she always talks about how she needs one and I would love to be the one who makes the perfect one for her,
How will you begin the project?
  • I believe that one of my biggest challenges will be to have to slowly work up to making a big vase and have the time and patience to build up to the size my mom would like it to be.



Week 5, October 5th. my penguin 

  1. this week I finished the skeleton of my penguin and started the paper mache part of my penguin.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to make the paper mache to stay on my penguin without falling off
  3. my biggest success this week was creating the skeleton of my penguin
  4. my goal for next week is to finish my first paper mache and start on my paper clay layer


Week 6, October 12th. my penguin  

  1. this week I worked on the paper mache of my penguin                                                      
  2. my biggest struggle this week was making the penguin’s head
  3. my biggest success this week was getting 2/3rds of my paper mache done
  4. my goal for next week is to finish my paper mache part and start the paper clay



Week 7, October 19th, 2023 .my penguin  

  1. I finished the paper mache part of the project for my penguin and have started on the paper clay part
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to have the paper mache finished so I could start my paper clay layer
  3. my biggest success this week was doing my face with the paper clay
  4. my goal for next week is to finish the paper clay part of my penguin



Week 8, October 26th, 2023. my penguin 

  1. this week I worked on the paper clay part of my penguin project
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to do as much as I could in each class without it getting too heavy and wet.
  3. my biggest success this week was finishing over half of the paper clay layer of my penguin.
  4. my goal for next week is to finish the paper clay layer and start the plaster layer



Week 9, November 2nd. my penguin and my vase inquiry project

  1. this week I worked on the paper-clay layer of my penguin and finished that layer and I started to work on my inquiry project by making my first trial run on the wheel trying to make a vase.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to make the vase on the wheel
  3. my biggest success this week was finishing the paper-clay layer of my penguin
  4. my goal for next week is to finish the plaster layer of my penguin and to start getting better on the wheel


November 6th  week 10. 2 sides of Me purpose 

Week 10, November 9th. my penguin and my mask

  1. this week I worked on my penguin and my mask. for my penguin, I did the first layer of plaster and for my mask, I made a ball of clay.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was starting on my mask and trying to work fast enough for my clay to not dry.
  3. my biggest success this week was almost finishing my penguin
  4. my goal for next week is to try and finish one side of my mask.


Week 11, November 16th. my mask

  1. this week I worked mainly on my mask and tried to get as much done as possible
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to get the eye right on my mask
  3. my biggest success this week was getting the first half of my mask decently done.
  4. my goal for next week is to finish the first half of my mask finished.

Week 12, November 23rd. my mask and my penguin 

  1. this week I finally finished my penguin and I finished the monkey side of my mask.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to make the mouth if my monkey
  3. my biggest success was making the nose for my monkey
  4. my goal for next week is to finish the other side of my mask


Week 13, november 30th. colour theory

  1. this week i worked mainly on my watercolour colour theory project and finished it
  2. my biggest struggle this week was to make the colours of my project to actually look nice.
  3. my biggest sucsess this week was finishing my colour project
  4. my goal for next week is to try and get as much done on my mask as possible


Week 14, December 7th. my mask

  1. this week i worked on my mask and have almost finished it
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to make the ear for my mask
  3. my biggest success this week was making the mask for my mask
  4. my goal for next week is to finish my mask and have it fired
  1. Studio Maintenance Identification– the section I chose to clean up and maintain was the glaze and wax table and shelves. the wax table is used to wax parts of the projects you didn’t want glaze on and the glass is for putting on top of clay.



Week 15, December 14th. mask

  1. this week I finished my mask.
  2. my biggest struggle this week was trying to find the one missing thing on my mask.
  3. my biggest success was finishing my mask and getting it fired.
  4. my goal for next week is to finish under-glazing my mask and it hopefully not blow up in the kiln




November 1st 2023 

Mixed media 

Veronica Phillips 

Penguins are endangered because of overfishing, loss of habitat, pollution, and climate change. These dangers have made it very hard for penguins to live and have made their population go down drastically. My project was made with paper mache, acrylic paint, cardboard, and tinfoil.  

The metaphor behind this artwork would be the piñata, this is because when a pinata gets broken or ripped down you would not be able to fix it and once penguins go extinct it will be the end of the era for them and they won’t be able to be placed back together.  



Week 16, December 21st. my mask 

  1. this week I worked on my maks had it fired and started painting it
  2. my biggest struggle this week was painting my mask and trying to mix colors that look good on it
  3. my biggest success this week was my mask not blowing up in the kiln
  4. my goal for next week is try try and finish painting my mask