New Media Intro

New media is the online and more digital way of talking to people and learning more things you may not already know, there are two major components. Interactive, which is, for example, Netflix will suggest what movies Sally would like or when Sally askes Siri a question and she responds. On-demand, which is, for example, Netflix will let Sally turn on and off her movie while watching it. The traditional media is less of the newer and improved technology and is more old school like the newspapers, movies, radio and more. Media consummation is fragmented on how we use it and when we use it, it is a mix of when we go on application programs and websites and on what device we go on it. We all have fragmented consumption throughout the day by how we do things, where we do things and what we do them on. Ways one can consume media in a healthier way is to spend less time on the media and to not rely on the media as much as one may right now. As John Donovan says, “all sorts of research seem to say yes, and points to dangers from too much screen time.” (2017) Thing that may help one consume media without looking at a screen as much is to, listen to music, listen to a podcast or listen to an audiobook. When John Donovan said, “the problem with both food and media is not simply a matter of scale” (2017) While checking information to always make sure it is not fake news, one may want to research the author and search up what they are saying to get more reliable information from other sites. While looking at the sites look and see if the site starts with HTTP or HTTPS, the S is a very key part because if there is an S on the name it should be a more secure site, so people can not easily hack into it. You always want to look at the domain name to see if it looks realistic, if the name looks weird or different it may be fake.


One Comment

  1. Thanks for posting your introduction to “New Media” paragraph. The following are my observations based on your quotation integration and formal writing practices within the paragraph.

    – You have a quotation included, but it contains several errors (punctuation should be after parenthesis and not in the quotation).
    > As John Donovan says, “all sorts of research seem to say yes, and points to dangers from too much screen time” (2017).
    – Avoid 2nd person pronouns (“you”)
    – Spelling (cannot, not can not)

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me in-person or via email.

    Mr. Barazzuol

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