HCE 9 Reflection

As you see the birds and on the left side of the picture the bird is a lot smaller and has pretty colours, the bigger birds were bullying him, and he was scared and tried to hide from them. The bigger birds are also holding signs that were against the smaller bird and the signs were rude because they said mean things about the smaller bird just because it was a different colour than the bigger birds. I think this picture is trying to show racism and how this can affect people because this bird is probably affected because those signs are harsh. The only thing I’m trying to say about this photo is that it is about racism and that can affect people and that in this photo the signs affect the bird that is about racism that happens to people in the world, this photo is also like things that happen today because there Is a lot of racism in the world today and this reminds me of the protests that happened last year and also this year there are still protests that happen but last year there was a lot of protests and this photo reminds me of that.



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