Circle Work Paragraph

Circle talk

What is good listening? Did you see it today? What did it look like? Or not look like? How can you become a better listener?


A good listener to me is when you make eye contact with the person talking, make sure there are no distractions and body language. Today in our talking circle I saw very good listening and believed I was a very good listener, everyone made eye contact and had perfect body language, while I was listening to others talk, I had been facing them and made eye contact, so they knew I was listening. When someone isn’t listening to you there are many tell tails, those being not facing you, not showing eye contact or being distracted by other objects or people. In my younger stages of my life, I had many problems with not being able to learn properly and I had very bad troubles with listening but since then I had learned a little bit more about myself and I had found what helped me listen and learn. While getting over my problems of not being able to listen my older sister Nicole was a very big part of me learning, she had thought me to try harder and listened while I went through hard times. Nicole has always been a big supporter in my life and has always been there to be an amazing listener. In the future, I hope to become a veery good listener and try my hardest to listen to the people that need it, as Nicole did for me.


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