new book cover – street pharm


In this paragraph I will be talking about my book called street pharm, the book is by Allison Van Diepen. I really enjoyed reading this book. The cover page goes very well with the book because it is mostly talking about drugs and especially the same kind of drug on the cover is the one, they talk about in the book. The book is mostly about drugs and gang life. The picture is a bag of cocaine and that relates to the story a lot because they caught k-Ron with a lot of it and that’s when ty got caught by the police when he was in the police station they tried to take down their business but didn’t, because they couldn’t find anything on them and they both kept their mouth shut. I think they could have added something about the love in the book on the cover but overall I still really liked the cover because it really goes into most of the book anyway.




In this paragraph, I will be talking about the new book cover I made for the book I read, street pharm. I think the new book cover that I made for it does relate to the book more because on the front of the book I have Ty going into a dark foggy place, I have that on my cover because it shows how when he went to the new school he was walking into a place he didn’t know as well as his old one. it could also show how he can not see whats going to happen with his love life with Alyse, he is walking into a dark place where he won’t know what comes next, especially with the gang and drug life he lives in, he can’t tell what’s going to happen next on the street. I added the star on the front because I think I would recement this from other people especially around the high school age.


One Comment

  1. Thank you for posting your “New Book Cover,” digital project for COL and English 9. The following are my observations/feedback for you regarding the assignment on a technological and posting perspective:

    – All elements are properly posted on your Edublog.
    – Paragraphs somewhat explain the aesthetic and stylistic choices in the original cover, as well as what you did in creating the new cover, however, this could have been further developed
    – The new cover is animated, although very similar to the template on Canva

    Overall, I thought certain aspects of this assignment were well done, whereas others could have been further developed.

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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