Veronica's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month: September 2015

Laundry Detergent Lab

Laundry Detergent Lab

Aim: In this lab, we will determine if the expensive laundry detergent is worth your money, or if the cheaper brands really give a bang for your buck.

Materials: 4 types of laundry detergent, 1 rag, mustard, scissors, droppers, graduated cylinders, tap water, 5 glass rods, thumb tacks

Prediction: We predict that Tide will work the best, considering it is such a popular brand.

Hypothesis: Woolite laundry detergent will not work the greatest, and will not be worth the extra $5.

Take a rag and pour on 30 ml of mustard, distribute evenly across, allow to dry overnight.
Cut the rag into 5 equal sections.
Fill 5 beakers with 400 ml of tap water.
Label each beaker (Sunlight, water, Tide, Ultra, or Woolite) and add 5 drops of that product to it’s assigned beaker.
Mix the detergent and tap water solution for 1 minute at medium to high speed.
Put a stained rag piece into each beaker, and stir for 2 minutes at medium to high speed.
Allow rags to soak for 20 minutes in the solution.
Stir for 1 minute post-soaking at medium to high speed.
Allow to soak for 5more minutes.
Rinse, ring out, and dry the rags, then hang on the wall to dry.
Assess which rag had the most change.

1. The mustard stained rags smelled TERRIBLE.
2. The water turned a cloudy yellow.
3. The mustard came off in chunks, and then settled to the bottom.
4. The stains have little to no change when both wet and dry.
5. Water did barely anything.
6. Tide and Woolite were the “crunchiest” feeling and left the most mustard behind(along with water).
7. Sunlight left patches, but the perimeter of the rag had no change.
8. Ultra (no name) left the rag softest and cleaned the best.



Our hypothesis was supported: Woolite was not the best working laundry detergent, nor did it leave the rag the softest. Woolite is not worth the extra money.
Our prediction was not supported: Tide was not the best working detergent and did not make a big difference on the stains, it just faded slightly.
Surprisingly the cheapest no-name brand (Ultra) worked the best. It left the rag the softest, and had the greatest amount of change. Sunlight was a close second.
The rags no longer smell bad!

Interesting facts/ questions:
Even if people knew that Ultra worked the best, do you think they would continue buying the name brand? Why?
The difference between Ultra and Woolite is 3.02$
In order to take this lab one step further, we could try using a washing machine, and/or a different stain provider.

1.8 ltrs Woolite = 9.97$
1.8 ltrs Ultra = 6.99$

Lab completed by: Shea, Anna, Veronica, and Makenna

Digital Footprint

Digitlal Footprint




Today in Science, we played with OOBLECK. It is a really weird substance made from cornstartch and water. It is really goopey and fun to play with. lf you handle it slowly, it portrays the property of a liquid. If you are harsh with it (punch or slap it), it portrays the properties of a solid.

We decided to colour it green with food colouring.  It sounded like such a good idea, until we had to wash our hands. They ended up staining green from the dye!

I wasn’t sure what to classify OOBLECK as. Is it a solid or a liquid? After some research I found out that scientists classify it as a discrepant substance, meaning that it can change characteristics when a different amount of pressure or tempurature is applied.

OOBLECK reminded me of Silly Putty. Silly Putty did sort of the same thing (after a while it would melt like a liquid), but it would take much longer.


Some Photos and Videos:



Our dirty hands after



Our hands dyed green






V for Vendetta

V is a freedom fighter. He lit a spark of hope in the public’s imagination by hinting that maybe the government is behind all of the world’s problems.

V gave the public a platform to display their anger towards the government by challenging them to show up at parliament on November 5th. V acted on what everyone was thinking. Evie even refered to him as “my father, my mother, my sister, my brother,” meaning that inside every person, there is a part of V seeking vengeance and justice.

In many ways, V is like Robin Hood. The main population love them, but the rich hate them. The rich, in both stories, don’t like anyone that could potentially threaten their power.

In conclusion, V is a freedom fighter because he forced the public to realise what they wanted, and that it was the government standing in the way of getting that.

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