Lord of the Flies blog post

English 11 Lord of the Flies Blog post

Top 2 reasons why Jack would be a bad chief.

Hey guys Ralph here. Just sitting here, in my shelter. Not flexing on y’all, just here living like Tom hanks. I’ve got a double upload for you guys today and now were talking about Jack Merridew. This guy comes up to me, I’ve got the conch in my hands ya know? And he just starts spreading his savagery all over my island. So today guys I’m doing top 2 reasons why Jack would be a bad chief.


1: He doesn’t think about the greater good

Jack is a moron. He doesn’t help at all. He just goes out and hunts pigs. He’s killed how many? One.  Really? Super unsuccessful for a hunter. He puts weird substances on his face and charges into the forest with a sharp stick. What an idiot. It’s always pigs with him. Pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs. He’s obsessed with them. Jack, they aren’t that important. He also took the fire boys and pranced off on a little adventure. Are you stupid? There was a ship and you were too busy killing poor defenceless animals when we could be cruising back to wherever we were going but nooooo, you had to steal the fire people and take them on a stupid hunt.








2: He’s very savage (The feral kind of savage)

(Artist’s rendition of Jack, Ralph painted this)

Jack is insane. He is obsessed with pigs (like I mentioned) and is crazy. He splits the tribe up because of pigs and has the audacity of coming back and saying, “I’m Jack and I’m stupid. I want you to come to my tribe and be stupid with me because I’m insecure”. That’s totally what he said. When he went to kill the pig, that dumb fool Roger rammed a spear up inside the pig’s butt and Jack sat back and watched. Ok, that not only ruins your spear, but it’s very gross and Jack, being the gross person that he is just sat there grinning.


That’s it. Jack is a loser and could never be chief. Remember to like, comment and subscribe and remember to keep that fire lit or you won’t be rescued.

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