The Friday Everything Changed Short Story Summary Questions

Tryston.H The Friday Everything Changed 2019-09-23

1. Because they think the boys are the strongest.
2. They exclude them, throw things at them, ruin their stackings pull the girls hair and the boys bully the girls. The girls stick up for each other (stand up to the bullies)
3. I am not 100% sure
She doesn’t care who carries the bucket of water
1st person
4. A older school in a third world country (small town school)
Everything that the girls get/receives, it gives the boys something to take away from them
Person vs society. The boys bully the girls in a big group therefore, Society= the group of boys, person= the girls
5. The girl who stood up for all the girls
Because she and the other girls stand up against the bullies and prove they can be just as good as the boys
6. The girls did not like the routine because it is not equal, so she tries to stand up for the other girls

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