Synthesis Essay
Adulthood Living your life without a mom and dad or living in a town where you look different from everyone can be seen to impact someone throughout the rest of their lives. In, “Long, Long, After School” by
The difficult decision (September 14th)
The Difficult Decision At the local pho ninety-nine, there was a boy and a mom sitting in a booth enjoying their meals. After the meal is finished, the mother pulls out six twenty dollar bills. “I need you
Identities paragraph
“A Man’s Life Can’t be Controlled by His Looks” A man’s identity can either save him or kill him. In “Identities” by W.D. Valgardson, we see a clean-shaven man driving through a shady neighbourhood. He parks his stolen car
Week 18 – Top 5 things I learned in Pre-Calc 11
The top 5 things I learned in Pre-Calc 11 are Graphing Reciprocal Fractions So our quadratic function is We would graph out our quadratic Then to figure out our reciprocal we would put the equation as a denominator for a
Blackout Poem – “Death of a Salesman”
Death of a Salesman Blackout In the play, “Death of a Salesman” written by Arthur Miller, we see an insight on Willy Loman’s life. Willy is a travelling business man based out of Brooklyn, New York. He has a
Week 17 – Sine Law
DOAS Monologues
The following is a monologue that was created for Happy, a character in “Death of a Salesman”. This is a monologue because he is showing his thoughts to Biff, it is also long and uninterrupted This monologue would fit in