Category Archives: Grade 11

Blackout poem — “Death of a Salesman”

“Death of a Salesman” written by Arthur Miller

The play “Death of a Salesman” follows a middle aged man living in the 50s in New York City. Where he faces many problems struggling to meet up to his own ambitions of becoming a successful salesman such as his father and brother, but is also going through troubles of demencia, suicide, old age, financially and his children, confused as to what to do with their lives.

“Death of a Salesman” fits the poetic category of tragedy because at many points during the play we can see Willy Loman experiencing tragic and dramatic scenes such as the mistress in Boston, Willy’s attempted suicides and the final suicide of Willy at the end of the play, and how none of the characters in the play saw it coming, and Willy wasn’t remembered the way he hoped he would.

This blackout Meaning behind the creation of this blackout poem was to show many key words that can be used in many ways to identify the meanings behind this play and the characters within. The words that are shown in this blackout poem such as “down under” can be used to describe Willy Lomans mood through out the play, because Willy was always feeling like he wasn’t as good as his brother and father, aswell as the guilt he was felling for cheating on his wife with the woman in Boston so he was felling down under for most of the play due to past events. Another word “everybody” shows that although this play was mainly about Willy the play also had many interesting side stories such as Willy’s brother (Ben), Bernard, Biff, Happy, Charley and a small story from Linda shows that this play wasn’t just about Willy but about the people he lived around and their story’s. In final the play “Death of a Salesman is an amazing peice of entertainment, written by a very talented playwrite, and overall a great play if you want to get a real fealing experience with a lot of action, suspense and tragedy.


-Tristan Romani



DOAS Monologues

I am a young man trying to find my place in this world, but I always get shunned by my father. I try to make my dad happy but he is never impressed by my efforts. I was a successful highschool football player but now I am a struggling young adult trying to find who I am, and I topically live in my brothers shadow as the less successful brother

3D character activity

piggy in the book lord of the flies is said in many chapters to be an anxious, chubby school boy, such as on page 23 when Golding says that piggy is a obese schoolboy. Saying that he is overweight and chubby .second he is smart we can see throughout the book piggy is the one who takes offenders to others when they are not being treated equal so he is smart. He also has glasses from page 86 when the boys are building a fire and the book says that they took the glasses off piggy and lit the fire saying he has specks also he has long hair from being out in the wild for a few months aswell as being dirty from page 46 when gilong mentions that the boys have gotten older

“Lord Of The Flies” – Island Description

-“It was roughly boat-shaped: humped near this end with behind them the jumbled descent to the shore. On either side rocks, cliffs, treetops and a steep slope: forward there, the length of the boat, a tamer descent, tree-clad, with hints of pink: and then the jungly flat of the island, dense green, but drawn at the end to a pink tail. There, where the island petered out in water, was another island; a rock, almost detached, standing like a fort, facing them across the green with one bold, pink bastion. ” (38)

-“Beyond falls and cliffs there was a gash visible in the trees; there were the splintered trunks and then the drag, leaving only a fringe of palm between the scar and the sea”(39)

-“The shore was fledged with palm trees” (10)

-Everypointofthemountainhelduptrees—flowersandtrees. Nowthe forest stirred, roared, flailed. The nearer acres of rock flowers fluttered (39)

LOTF Podcast



By: Kendra Cherry

By: James Marx

By: Mudit Gupta

“The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” Narrative

Tristan Romani
Mr. Barazzoul
Blk: D
“The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” Narrative
Walter Mitty lighted a cigarette. It began to rain, rain with sleet in it. He stood up against the wall of the drugstore, smoking….

He put his shoulders back and heels together. “To hell with the handkerchief,” said walter mitty scornfully. He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then, with a faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad. Looking death in the face. Suddenly a mans voice came through a radio behind the firing squad. He sounded angry and nervous, one of the higher-ranking firing squad members rushed over while the other firing squads turned their heads towards the man speaking on the radio. The rain and sleet hitting the cold hard ground made it impossible to make out what they were saying, just then five explosions happened simultaneously. The seven firing squad members looked confused and panicked. The high-ranking man using the radio started explaining something to the squad. They all split up running in separate directions leaving me alone. With the last courage I had, I bolted my way towards the nearby forest. Just as I was halfway there four tanks and three military trucks broke through the treeline. Speeding towards the camp I just came from, when one tank stopped right in front of me. One soldier got out and said something to me in what I presume to be Russian. Pointed a gun at me, and said a few final words.

Mister… Mister?… Said a little boy with a newspaper in-front of me. “would you like todays Waterbury Times, sir.” He said. No thank you. “ok” said the little boy while walking towards another man. “Walter Did you grab the wine like I asked” said Mrs. Mitty. “no, sorry” said Walter. Mrs. Mitty frustrately sighed “I have to do everything my self, huh?” “It appears so” said Walter. “Well, you could at least help me pick out a new dress, .” “Ok…” Walter said. As they walked over to the cloths Walter stopped to look at a trench coat and a bowler hat. When he heard a father and son arguing in the next isle. “Terry! Don’t forget we have multiple accounts of homicide, DUI’s and vandalism charges against you. Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be on yourself. Just tell us where the girl is.” Said Walter “I told you, you would have to kill me to find out!” said terry “well, terry can you please tell me where you were on the night of the disappearance?” “I was out at the sandbar pub.” Terry said “Doing what?” “Smoking a john Mellan cigarettes and drinking jack Daniels whiskey. What do you think?” “Jack Daniels and John Mellan cigarettes, eh?” “yeah” terry said directly “well, it just so happens that we found jack Daniels Whiskey and John Mellan cigarettes at the girls house. Know anything about this?” “I….I… OK its true I was there, but if you ever want to see her again you must go to the edge of town and go into the basement of the blue house on the hill. You will find her there.” “Thank you for you time, your lawyer will be in, in a minute.” “As I started to drive to the edge of town I saw a small blue house, alone on the top of a hill, with hundreds of coreopsis in the front lawn. As I approached I was able to hear the faint cry of a girl coming from underneath the house. I cautiously approached the front door and knocked “Knock, knock, knock…” With no answer, and no time to lose I kicked down the door to be greeted by a putrid smell, which can only be described as fresh road kill. The whimpered cries became even louder once I reached the basement door. as I reached for the cold steal knob I heard a quiet derisive laugh from beyond the door. Without thought for my own safety, I slowly turned the knob.

Plot Point Photos – “Father and Son”

This Project is made to show the main plot points in the story “Father and Son,” using pictures to describe quotes in the story. “Father and Son” follows a Father and his son in their rocky relationship; where the son is very irresponsible, and never tells his father where he is going and the father wants to have a better relationship with his son, and for things to just go back to the good old days when his son was a good boy, and didn’t get into trouble. The son Is angry at his father for always breathing down his neck, and always asking him where he is going. The father is angry at his son, because he never talks to him, and he is sad that they cant be like a true father and son anymore.

Exposition) “He will want to check that I came home last night. He will stand in his bare feet, his shoe and socks in hand, looking at me” (MacLaverty 165).

This quote introduces the father and son because the father clearly cares about the son that he is willing to check on his boy to make sure he came home last night, and it helps the reader get a clear first description of what the father is like setting a scene for who the father is going to be in this story.

Image result for opening a door in the dark


Initiating Incident) “You should be in your bed. A man of your age. It’s past one.” “Let me make you some tea.” The boy shrugs and sits down. He takes up the paper between him and his father. “What do you be doing out all the time” “Not again” “Answer me” “talking” “Who with?” “Friends, just go to bed, Da, will you?” “What do you talk about?” “Talk to me, son” “What about?”’” (MacLaverty 166).

This Quote shows the struggle the father and son have when communicating to each other. The father wants to know where his son is going, who he is hanging out with, and what they are talking about. but the son just plays dumb.


Rising Action) “I want you to talk to me the way I hear you talk to people at the door. I want to hear you laugh with me like you used to” (MacLaverty 166).

This quote shows that the father is very sad that himself and his son cant have a good relationship and laugh together like they used to. So this builds up suspense that possibly the son and the father may laugh together or even they may change and things may go back to what they used to be


Rising Action) “Then on the radio, I hear he is dead. They give out his description… I cry. But he comes home for tea “(MacLaverty 167).

This quote shows that the father heard on the radio about someone getting killed and the radio gives out his description, and the father believes that it was the son who was killed and was not very surprised, just sad but he was happy that he came back home. This shows that later on in the story the son may get hurt, and it also adds on to how much we know the father loves his son.

Rising Action) “The door swings open and he pushes a hand-gun beneath the pillow” (MacLaverty 169).

This quote shows that the father finally wanted to see what his son is doing, and when he does he sees a hand-gun. which is the most “Rising action” in the story, because this shows that later on or soon after this event something bad could happen to his child if he is able to get a gun.


Climax)  “There is a bang… My son is lying on the floor, his head on the bottom stair, his feet on the threshold”(MacLaverty 169).

This Quote shows the climax of the story when the father rushes in to see what the “bang!” sound was. He saw his son lying on the floor with his head on the bottom of the stair. This shows that the so called friends of the sons that the father talked about earlier had just came into their house and shot the son showing the previous foreshadowing from earlier when the father heard about someone dying on the radio earlier.


Falling action)”I take my son’s limp head in my hands and see a hole in his nose that should not be there”(MacLaverty 169).

This quote gives the reader some more info and details about the event after the shooting, and the overall ending of the climax with the last details.

Denouement) “My son, let me put my arms around you” (MacLaverty 169).

This quote shows that only after the son has died that the father finally gets a chance to hug his child, and it also shows that the father finally gets a chance to show his love to him. even if it means he is gone.


-Tristan Romani







Character Sketch “Two Fishermen”

In the story “Two Fishermen,” a lone reporter for a newspaper named Michael Foster, has great intentions of capturing a large story. Foster shows great ambition throughout the story as he says to Smitty ‘Do  you  know  this  Thomas  Delaney  that’s  dying  in  the   morning?”, (Caliaghan 3) This shows that Foster puts his job before people due to that Foster has just met Smitty, and he is asking questions about his report,rather than asking about himself. Foster shows throughout the story that he is quick to judge such as when he met smitty and said ”  the  man  smiled.  He  had  a  large  head,   tapering  down  to  a  small  chin,  a  birdlike  neck,  and  a  very  wistful  smile.  Puckering  his   mouth  up”, (Caliaghan 2) he instantly made him sound like a dirty guy making him believe Smitty was bad, also right after Smitty asked Foster if he was going fishing and if he could share a boat with him, but Foster almost instantly said no thanks. So it is clear that Foster is a judgemental person. Foster shows that after all the friendliness Smitty gave and did for Foster, and after he made the realization that smitty is not a bad guy he still made the decision to join the town, rather than help Smitty. ” he  looked  around   wildly,  looking  for  someone  to  help  him  as  the  crowd  kept  pelting  him.  Farther  and   farther  Michael  backed  into  the  crowd  and  all  the  time  he  felt  dreadfully  ashamed   as  though  he  were  betraying  Smitty”, (Caliaghan 7) Foster shows in this quote that he knows he is betraying smitty and he feels bad for it but he still backs out. Foster, throughout everything is shown to be a very ambitious person but also judgemental and caring but not willing to act upon it.

-Tristan Romani