Category Archives: Grade 10

Journal Refletion

I think on this project I did pretty well I liked how much attention to the plot I added but at times I thought I was adding a little too much and i also liked how this project challenged me to “Step out of my comfort zone” and what I mean is that I normally don’t like writing stories and normally I can’t think of anything good for them so they normally turn out to not sound good or just I play on sentences and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed doing this project. For next time I will put more of my attention in this kind of story to the historically accurate part because I think I nailed the plot development but next time I will put more time into making it sound more like it was written in the 1800’s


Crysalids response

I predict that in the near future, Sophie will be caught. Since David got introduced into the book he seems like the typical little kid who says things that he does not realise at first that could either get him killed or get him into a lot of trouble. For example, I think that eventually he might “Accidently” tell someone about Copies or tell someone that he can read minds. I also think that if he tells someone (Especially his Father) David and Sophie will get sent out into the fringes

30 for 30 Broke Reflection

The expenses of the players exceed the income they brought in. The players in the movie talked about how high the income was for athletes in the 1990’s. but I noticed they noticed how silly the players were being once they started spending their money on houses, cars, jewelry because they wanted to keep up with other athletes who were spending a lot of money buying bigger houses, bigger cars, more expensive jewelry in which they called “Keeping up with the Joneses” which they discussed that this bad habit of theirs lead them to go bankrupt which I think was the worst decision they made. These athletes can help many people like new athletes help budget their income to avoid bankruptcy but it can also help other people too because many people nowadays are very materialistic and if people see these experiences’ that these athletes went through they might think twice before buying the new iPhone 7 just because your friend has the iPhone 6s plus because you want to be better than them. So in the end seeing how badly these athlete millionaires live got once they lost all of their money like having to pay child support, paying back the debt they had to the banks they borrowed from if it was my job to be their accountant I would tell would put 53% of their yearly income into a retirement fund 23% into their home and real-estate 14% into groceries, sports equipment and utilities and 10% into spending money which they can spend on whatever they want like alcohol, eating out, fancy cars which I believe would set the athletes for their retirement to be great and have a fun time saving for retirement too.

Humans of Riverside Post #2

(Connor Staford)
Gaming is my life, I can’t remember a day when I didn’t play video games on my computer at lunch. My friends and I play anything from Rocket Leauge to Roblox and sometimes even games that my friend Aiden makes from scratch. I would say I spend every moment of my free time in my blocks at school or my free time at home playing at least 4 hours of gaming every day minimum.