Blackout poem — “Death of a Salesman”

“Death of a Salesman” written by Arthur Miller

The play “Death of a Salesman” follows a middle aged man living in the 50s in New York City. Where he faces many problems struggling to meet up to his own ambitions of becoming a successful salesman such as his father and brother, but is also going through troubles of demencia, suicide, old age, financially and his children, confused as to what to do with their lives.

“Death of a Salesman” fits the poetic category of tragedy because at many points during the play we can see Willy Loman experiencing tragic and dramatic scenes such as the mistress in Boston, Willy’s attempted suicides and the final suicide of Willy at the end of the play, and how none of the characters in the play saw it coming, and Willy wasn’t remembered the way he hoped he would.

This blackout Meaning behind the creation of this blackout poem was to show many key words that can be used in many ways to identify the meanings behind this play and the characters within. The words that are shown in this blackout poem such as “down under” can be used to describe Willy Lomans mood through out the play, because Willy was always feeling like he wasn’t as good as his brother and father, aswell as the guilt he was felling for cheating on his wife with the woman in Boston so he was felling down under for most of the play due to past events. Another word “everybody” shows that although this play was mainly about Willy the play also had many interesting side stories such as Willy’s brother (Ben), Bernard, Biff, Happy, Charley and a small story from Linda shows that this play wasn’t just about Willy but about the people he lived around and their story’s. In final the play “Death of a Salesman is an amazing peice of entertainment, written by a very talented playwrite, and overall a great play if you want to get a real fealing experience with a lot of action, suspense and tragedy.


-Tristan Romani