Character Sketch “Two Fishermen”

In the story “Two Fishermen,” a lone reporter for a newspaper named Michael Foster, has great intentions of capturing a large story. Foster shows great ambition throughout the story as he says to Smitty ‘Do  you  know  this  Thomas  Delaney  that’s  dying  in  the   morning?”, (Caliaghan 3) This shows that Foster puts his job before people due to that Foster has just met Smitty, and he is asking questions about his report,rather than asking about himself. Foster shows throughout the story that he is quick to judge such as when he met smitty and said ”  the  man  smiled.  He  had  a  large  head,   tapering  down  to  a  small  chin,  a  birdlike  neck,  and  a  very  wistful  smile.  Puckering  his   mouth  up”, (Caliaghan 2) he instantly made him sound like a dirty guy making him believe Smitty was bad, also right after Smitty asked Foster if he was going fishing and if he could share a boat with him, but Foster almost instantly said no thanks. So it is clear that Foster is a judgemental person. Foster shows that after all the friendliness Smitty gave and did for Foster, and after he made the realization that smitty is not a bad guy he still made the decision to join the town, rather than help Smitty. ” he  looked  around   wildly,  looking  for  someone  to  help  him  as  the  crowd  kept  pelting  him.  Farther  and   farther  Michael  backed  into  the  crowd  and  all  the  time  he  felt  dreadfully  ashamed   as  though  he  were  betraying  Smitty”, (Caliaghan 7) Foster shows in this quote that he knows he is betraying smitty and he feels bad for it but he still backs out. Foster, throughout everything is shown to be a very ambitious person but also judgemental and caring but not willing to act upon it.

-Tristan Romani

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