Capital Punishment in “Two Fishermen”

In 2001 Canada banned capital punishment, but recent Canadians views have changed to be in more favor to bring back the death penalty. The first records of capital punishment in Canada was in 1895 with the crimes of murder, treason, and rape carried in upper and lower Canada. many countries in the 21st century have banned capital punishment, due to the large sum of people who believe it inhumane but there are still a handful of countries that still carry out the death penalty such as the USA, China, Iran, etc… if the short story “Two Fisherman” took place in anytime before 1961 Thomas Delany would be killed for his crime, but if it took place after 1961 Thomas Delany would not be executed, but instead sent to jail for a life sentence. Thomas Delany should not have been killed for his actions. He was only trying to get revenge for his wife, although murder is never a true option sometimes a man has to do what he believes is right. Regardless of the time period the short story “Two Fisherman” took place in. The jury at his trial should have seen that he was only doing what anybody else would do in that situation. there has always been a moto of “an eye for an eye” and although he took a more than an “eye” he still didn’t deserve to die. Thomas Delany was not a strain or burden to society. Thomas was a working man, civilized and a help for the town. If the court would have let him off the hook he would have just continued his everyday life probably never to make a murder again. Thomas only made one “kill” it is not like he was a cereal killer or anything. He was a nice man he did not murder the person out of person pleasure or fun it was to get back at him for what he did. He did not deserve to die. There is evidence for and against “Capital punishment” in “Two Fisherman” but there is clearly more evidence that proves Thomas Delany didn’t have to die for his action in his murder.

-Tristan Romani