Sammy sperm story

my name is sammy sperm i was created by a man named stevey one day in the testes i had a feeling a feeling so strong i couldnt resist it i was pulled out of the testes and into the vas defrens whilst being propelled by smooth muscle contractors we first arrive at the ampulla where secretions of the seminal vescle are added to me and my fellow sperm we are propelled by ejaculation ducts towards the urethera but first we pass by the prostate gland where a milky fluid is added to the mix of sperm and secretions then we were finally ejected out of the far end of the urethera and out of the penis and into steveys partner sassys vagina then into the cervix past the uterus and into the fallopean tube where i see emily the egg she was the most beautiful egg i had ever seen and the only too i attached myself to her and she let me in and i released my protein into her and my long journey as a sperm is over but my life as a fetus has just begun

mutation story

I am a mutation called progeria  i am a mutation that mutates the LMNA gene most people who have me are born with me and the people who have me live till there only about 13 years old i affect my carriers by speeding up the ageing process i cause ridgid skin, full body baldness, bone abnormalites and growth impairment my hosts usually die at the age of 13 so they were born that way people who are born this will live there entire life this way so it is not like some one loses there legs half way through there life and are devistated

1) I needed to research how long the kids live and what gene in there DNA it mutates

2) the biggest search tool i used was google and the things that i typed up on google live wekipedia and fight for the

3) i looked on alot of websites about my mutation and i confirmed the info i found by looking on many websites and if they matched then i knew the info was genuine

4) i verified the info by looking at multiple websites and if the info matched then i knew it was the right answer

5) i think that i could have put a bit more time into this assignment but next project i will learn from this project but other than that i am pretty satisfied with my project