Sports Teams should not use First Nation’s Mascots or Names
I think that sports teams should not be allowed to use First Nation’s names or mascots for their teams. It is completely unacceptable because the names are stereotypical and inaccurate, this issue would not be tolerated with any other culture, and First Nation’s are generally offended by the names.
The way that the mascots are portrayed is stereotypical and untrue towards First Nations culture, and is in a way mocking them. For example, the Cleveland Indians mascot looks nothing like what an average First Nations man would look like today. This mascot is seen by millions of people on national TV every year, and it directly influences non-native people to see Natives with a transparent identity. Some people can only see them in the light of their stereotypes. Stereotypes such as First Nations wearing feathers in their hair, having face paint, and dressing in animal hyde are completely inaccurate. When sports teams use mascots that portray First Nations in this inaccurate way, it creates an erroneous image around First Nations culture, and is completely disrespectful.
The issue of First Nations team names and mascots is ridiculous in and of itself. If any other sports teams tried to use racist names for their team, there would be riots. It doesn’t make any sense that terms such as “redskins” and “indians” can be used for teams, but other equally racist terms such as the “N” word are totally taboo and appalling. The ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Commissioner Justice Sinclair summed up this idea when she stated that “racially based mascots would never be tolerated if they targeted any other group”. (The Globe and Mail, 2017). We should have the same standard towards First Nations as we do towards any other culture; if they are offended by it, then we need to stop it.
The most important part of this issue is the opinion of the First Nations. Although some First Nations are not offended by the names and mascots, many First Nations are offended by this issue. The names used by sports teams such as Indians, Redskins, and Eskimos are all offensive and derogatory terms created by non-native people. The president of the ‘Canadian Inuit Organization’, representing 60,000 Inuit’s in Canada, said that “if anyone was to call me an Eskimo, I would be offended”, and “it isn’t right for any team to be named after an ethnic group”. (The Globe and Mail, 2017). Being slammed with stereotypical and racist terms is an ongoing issue that First Nations are forced to deal with, and it is unacceptable that sports teams should be participating in this form of racial prejudice.
In conclusion, sports team should not be allowed to use First Nations team names or mascots. This act of racial prejudice is unacceptable because the names are stereotypical and inaccurate, this issue would not be tolerated with other cultures, and First Nation’s are generally offended by it. Any sports teams using First Nations team names or Mascots should be forced to change it immediately.
By Trevor Thirsk
News, CBC. “Edmonton mayor urges Eskimos to move quickly on name change.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 9 Nov. 2017,
Hersher, Rebecca. “Why You Probably Shouldn’t Say ‘Eskimo’.” NPR, NPR, 24 Apr. 2016,
“Edmonton’s mayor is right – it’s time for Eskimos to change name.”,
“Inuit group calls on CFL’s Edmonton Eskimos to change name.” The Globe and Mail, 25 Mar. 2017,