Rube goldberg machines

  1. Things that went well. 

Our simple machine went well. It performed the way we wanted it to perform. The cup that had the cereal work perfectly and it went down the tube perfectly into the bowl. On the other hand, the milk worked well but if we filled the cup up too much it wouldn’t tip over, so we had to find the optimum amount of milk to put into the cup.  Our machine went well overall and it worked two out of the three times.  


  1. Problems that occurred along the process. 

During our process, it was difficult to tip the cups over and we had to find a way to make the tip of the cup over easily without the cups falling to the funnel. This took us the most time there was a lot of trial and error throughout our process with our simple machine. 


  1. Things that you’d do differently next time?

Well, I would add more simple machines and change how we put the milk and cereal into the bowl. But overall, I wouldn’t change much because it worked well.  


  1. Testing results.

It worked two out of the three times we were able to see how much it worked. The only problem when was when we added to much milk and cereal into the cups and that’s what caused it not to work because the gold balls didn’t have enough force to tip over the cup since they were too, heavy.  

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