Communtity Connections

Exotic Car Mechanic

I called Rupe and talked about how he got where he is today. I summarized of what he said on our phone call. I tried my best to right as close as possible to what he said.



These are some of the cars Rupe works on ———————>

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There is no limit on which car that Rupe works on.

Why are you passionate about your job?

“It brings a challenge and there isn’t much information on the exotic cars and you cant just look online and fix them like normal mass-produced vehicles, I enjoy the challenge of solving problems”. Rupe gets to work with the cars that very few people can afford and he has a passion to fix the mechanical problems on those cars.


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What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

He started working European cars and moved to the land rover and then began his own shop called Forza 1 Motorsport. He started off with European cars like a land rover and other European cars. After a while, he started his own shop and began working on high-end super cars and luxury cars. Right now he is working on different supercars every day and Rupe wants to get a bigger shop and go from there so he can get more of those wonderful machines known as supercars.



What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you’re doing?

“Just be motivated and don’t give up but the job is difficult and you have to enjoy solving problems and want to be around cars and have pleasure fixing them”.  He has to be interested in cars and you would want to enjoy what you do If you don’t really enjoy what you do it’s not really a job.

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Would you be open to further contact with Riverside students? And if so, how can someone contact you?

Rupe is undecided about whether or not he wants to.




Is there anything that you dislike about your job?

“Doing paperwork is the worst thing”. And that’s a very understandable thing when you are around supercars all day it’s hard to do boring things like paperwork and such.



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Is there anything you would want to change about your job?

Nothing really he would want to change but he said the only thing that he would change is a bigger shop so he has more space to work on customers supercars.



What are your favourite cars to work on?

Rupe said that he likes working on all of the cars that come into his shop because each and every one has its own problem that needs to be fixed and he just enjoys being around cars. I would agree with him on this because when you are around with these cars you make a bond with each one or get attached because everyone is slightly different that could be in colour or different brand whatever.

To learn more about Rupes shop and what he does go to his website:


Image result for rolls royce

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