Defining Poverty

  1. The situation of poverty may vary depends on the region and the countries, the poor people in Developed countried may have no problem living in delveoping countries for same income. No matter where the poor people are, the poverty is really about wheather they can meet their need for the neccessities. But somehow this is not applied for those thrid world’s countries, the people their can’t even get supply by themselves, or there is even no way for them to earn money. So the abosolute poverty would be suitable to describe this situation, but it’s not really enough.
  2. In my opinion, for the developed couontries like Canada, the relative poverty would be best way to measure the poverty. When it comes to the developing countries, realtive poverty will still be suitable to measure poverty. For those least developing countries, abosolute poverty would be the way to measure the poverty, as the people in those countried don’t have a lot of incomes.

One thought on “Defining Poverty”

  1. Try to be clearer about the issues regarding defining poverty. Be specific about problems with assessing standard of living vs poverty, absolute vs relative, and even using HDI to measure who needs help.

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