Currents from the Kitchen

purpose: which fruit will produce the most electric voltage? hypothesis: the orange will have the highest electric voltage. Materials: 1 voltmeter, 2 wires, 1 nail, 1 copper strip, at least 3 fruits/vegetables procedure: attach one side of wire to voltmeter, attach other side to nail, stick in fruit/ vegetables, attach the second wire to other […]

fictional science safety story

Today i went to Mr Robinson’s class to do a very exciting lab, we were mixing a whole bunch of random chemicals in the cupboards to make a new substance.I had my group of 3 and we started preparation for the experiment, we got our safety goggles to protect our eyes but one of our […]

climate in canada

some causes of climate change in the north west territories are burning fossil fuels and some sources of greenhouse gases, the north west territories is also very involved in many industries that produce GHG emissions and oil and gas. the natural climate there is usually cold and dry but they do get sun in the […]