HCE 9 – English write

This picture represents something many people have gone through, struggled with, and been hurt by. This picture is trying to show the green bird being discriminated by the grey birds, they could be acting this way due to the  green birds colour, for being in there country, Maybe being a “migrant” in their home area. The grey birds telling the green bird to ”go back to Africa” is something i’m sure real people have been told before, the author is trying to show us that you can be discriminated no matter what race or species you are. In some cases migrating or immigration is not a choice, it could be for safety, better housing, family, food and all of the above. Other times, people are forced out of their country due to sad things, for example, war.  I think that the actions in this picture do not show respect but the author making it does. The context may be relatable for others, the concept of this picture could be spreading awareness for this topic. This photo also represents how protesting against others is unfair, the group of grey birds is larger with more power and backup, the green bird is alone and being told around for being in their area, i think that its very unfair. No, its not a fight but i feel that the intimidation would cause the green bird to fly back to their country because of the way its being treated. In real time and real people, these type of words and comments are still thrown around, because of race, looks and language. In the end, respect for people have been through this, is what the photo represents.

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