col assignment

How might your digital footprint
affect your future opportunities?

my digital foot print could effect my future opportunities because of some of the more controversial things i share on my social media, for example things regarding politics and peoples opinions on trump, re posting things about blm or equal gender posts. i do not think this would be a negative footprint but people all have different beliefs and may not agree with mine or others. at this point in my life i do not think my social media could majorly effect my future but the people i am friends with, involved with or follow could make someone think twice about letting me babysit there kids because of their content. my digital footprint or the way i am seen online could affect my job if i wanted to be something like a teacher, because my full name and social medias would be listed even tho i have not posted bad things its my old accounts that i cant sign into that could have personal content from my own life that i would not want people in my future work environment to know or see.


Describe at least three strategies
that you can use to keep your
digital footprint appropriate and safe?

i think that thinking before i take or post a photo such as,the effect it would have on everyone is a good thing to do. if it has something inappropriate such as friends vaping it could have an effect on my friends family, mine and or peoples opinions of that person just because of a photo. i think that updating your life on social media is okay but some things should stay personal because most of us do not know everyone on our socials. posting your own opinions is a good thing to do but they should be respectful to other peoples races, sexuality, gender and the differences some people have from others. for example saying you think the new Nike shoes that just came out are not for you is okay but hating on someones looks is offensive and not needed. sometimes some of your posts could follow you around for life and in same cases if they are offensive it could affect your school life to such a trying to get into a university.



What information did you learn
that you would pass on to other
students? How would you go
about telling them?

i learned that you should filter what you post on social media because anyone can see what your doing. even things like having your location on Snapchat could be a bad thing.people who you do not know could know where u live, where you are, who you are with and things that are more personal that you may not need or want them knowing.


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