
1- The boys were upset of the idea of the girls carrying the water bucket because it was a privilege that the boys liked to call theirs. They don’t like the idea of girls getting the same things as they do.

2- What the boys did to Alma was disgustingly rude. They would throw notes onto her desk constantly. Written on them were nasty messages from threats to pulling down her pants in front of people or giving her a bloody nose. Alma wasn’t phased that the boys were being disrespectful. She minded herself and did what she had to do.

Elements of Friction:

3- The narrator of the story is Alma’s seat mate. She has been explaining the story.

4- The setting of this story is older times. The school is very small and old and there aren’t many children. For water for the kids 2 kids would need to walk to the train station and get water from a pump and fill up the bucket they carry with them  back to the school for the softball team.

5- The protagonist of the story is Alma Niles. Shes the one who brought up the idea of the girls carrying the water bucket. Doing so, she put herself up against the boys witch could be a difficult situation for Alma and her friends.

6- Ms.Ralston showed the boys that girls can do things just as well as the boys maybe even better. She showed equality towards the girls side witch was needed to show the boys that they need to behave. She wanted to show the girls they are all the same and all deserve to be treated right.