Career or job assignment

Career or Job: Detective


  • Write a brief job description:

Police detectives, unlike police officers, don’t wear a uniform, drive patrol cars, or patrol; instead, they spend much of their time compiling information and evidence for the cases they are assigned. They wear plain clothes, usually a suit and tie, and drive unmarked cars. Because police detective is a higher ranking and higher paid position than police officer, it requires more experience and knowledge.

  • Where did you get this information?

  • What education or training is required for this career or job?

Detectives usually begin their careers as police officers. Although a GED or high school diploma may be all that’s required for some police officer positions, many agencies require a college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement or a related field. Both associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs are available for aspiring detectives. Students may take courses in criminal law, criminology, human relations, judicial function, forensic science and criminal procedure.

Police recruits must complete training academy programs and often pass written and physical tests before beginning to serve as officers. Individual police departments, as well as state and federal agencies, offer these programs. They include a mixture of physical training and classroom study in areas such as firearm training, self-defense, traffic control and first aid. Police academy graduates should have a clear understanding of state and local law.

Detectives should maintain excellent physical and mental health. They can do this by engaging in regular exercise and fitness training, which better equips them for handling danger and stress. Detectives can keep a sharp mind by brushing up on new techniques and technology. For example, studying computer forensics can be extremely useful because of the increase in cybercrime.

  • Where can you get this education or training? Indetify at least two places.

Professional Investigators’ Association of B.C. (PIABC)


  • What are the entrance requirements to one of the educational institutions that you identified?

Persons entering the PI field do so as ‘under supervision’ investigators. They are required to accumulate 2000 hours of training and work experience before they qualify for an ‘unrestricted’ private investigator’s license.

  • What is an option if you cannot meet the entrance requirements or are not interested in attending university?

If you happen to fail the course, you can always retake it. You’re not going to get a good job as a law enforcement if you did not attned at least some kind of college to get a degree.

  • Identify the average salary or wage for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available).

A Private Detective or Investigator earns an average wage of C$21.99 per hour. For the first five to ten years in this position, wages increase sharply.

  • What are the opportunities or future prospects for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available)?

Private investigator is the highest class you can go for law inforcement. If you stay there for over five years you’d be getting more money than you did at first so perhaps that is a future prospect.

  • Identify three other related careers or jobs in the same area.

Three other related career jobs on the law enforcement are: Assistand Director, Police Officer, Security Guard

Explain what you have learned as a result of the career or job search process.

I have learned many things about private invastigating. I learned what is required for education and training, where can I go, what do I need to do before going,what happens if you fail the course and the pay.

Satistics Partner Project

  • The people use bias to make their surveys in these ways so you can agree with them. They would write something like, “The ‘Mad’ magazine is way better than the others, wouldn’t you agree”. This clearly shows that they want you to agree that the “Mad” magazine is better than all the rest.
  •  You see in polls and surveys, fake information, for example, “9/10 dentists recommend this toothpaste”. But “9/10” would not be all the dentists in the world, it would be only just 10 doctors.
  • A convenience sample is taking people you know (family, friends etc…) and survey them, just because they are easier to acces. The convenience sample would not be very good or accurate, because, if they are people you know, you could just go up to them because you know what they will answer. For example, “I need to make a poll about apple or oranges. I’ll go to the people that I know’ they like apples better than oranges”. A random sample is taking, totally randomized poeple from the public and having them do the survey. Although it is one of the best ways to make a poll, it is still inaccurate because, the people that you chose (randomly) could be more of the people that liked the one thing more then the other. For Exmple, “I want to make a poll, so I am going to pick randomized people from the public to answer the survey”. The stratified sample is taking distinct groups and then taking a percentage of each group to complete a survey. An example would be, “a survey is created asking which continent has the best couisine in the world. One judge from each continent, test the foods (from each continent) and fill in the survey”. This sample could also be inaccurate because, at least one judge could vote for his own since he is more familiar with it. A systematic sample is taking people in a specific order. For example, “In order for this survey to be complete we will chose 1,000 people over 50,000, so we will pick every 50th person, since 50,000/1,000 = 50. This could be bad, because the formation could’ve been set up in a way that the people would vote one specific vote. The voluntary response sample is the best sample to make, because, you take every person to complete a survey. In example, “A shoe brand company took every single worker that worked on the same three shoe designs and completed a poll for which one of the three shoe designs is the best”. This sample is the most accurate in all of the other samples, because every single person has voted for something and no people were left out so there isn’t a better way to making a survey or a poll.
  • A theoretical probability is what we expect to happen, and experimental probability is what actually happens when you test it. For Example, if we flip a coin 10 times we would get 5 heads and 5 tails, with the percentage of 50% on each, that is the theoretical probability. When we try it out, the results could be, 4 heads and 6 tails, with the percentage of 40% for heads and 60% for tails for the experimental probability
  • One example I found was about weekly Australian spending. It was a bar chart with housing ($223), housing and furnishing equipment ($59), transport ($193), clothing and footwear ($44), and recreation ($161), everything was accurate, except the transportation bar was highlighted in red, with capital letters.This graph is misleading because, even though housing was higher than transport, transport seemed higher and more importand.


  • Another example shows the number of driver in fatal crashes. The bar graph shows, 1 throught 9, it is misleading because it seems like it is going up by a lot, only the first bar (which was 1) is way lower than the bar that shows 3, it was only two more people, only it made it seem larger. Also that bars of the chart are not even set correctly, it shows 8.8 or 6.1 which doesn’t make sense because a person can’t be point less, or point more.


  • The last example is, a pie graph that says, that 80% of kids want homework for saturday, but is showing a chart of kids doing homework and kids attending school. This is misleading because the pie chart does not have to do anything with the presentation.


Digital Footprint

1. My digital footprint may affect my future opportunities either negatively or positively.

Example, a negative digital footprint consists of things that are on the internet, that you would not want to be there. Such as a drunken photo, or a silly comment. Basically, whatever you wouldn’t want your friends or family to see.

On the other hand, if you have a positive footprint such as photos with fun activities with your family and friends, sportsmanship, volunteer work ect… you can have better chances of getting a place into university or getting your dream job.



2. Three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe are:

A. Make sure to not give out any of your passwords to anyone, you never know what can happen if they get into the wrong hands.

B. Make sure to not post anything on the web that you would not want any of your family or friends to see.

C. Do not show any unreliable and disrespectful qualities.



3. The information that I learned and would pass on to other students is to, not use the internet in the wrong way because it could have a negative impact on your future. On the other hand, if you utilize the intrnet wisely and correctly, it will help you to achieve your future goals and dreams.

I would pass out the message to my fellow students, by providing them with appropriate examples and information on the proper usage of the internet. This could be done either by presentation, informative videos, or just by giving them advice.