Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project



“The Taming of the Shrew”, is play, created and written by William Shakespeare. I (Tasos), and Robert made the stop motion video. I used my tablet, and Robert took the pictures, I was responsible for the figures and sets, (moving them, bringing them etc…). Robert and I, both worked on the audio. Induction is the beginning of the play, and inset which comes after, is the play, within the play. This applied to our project by simply remaking a bit of, “The Taming of the Shrew”, since it includes induction and inset it applied to our project. We used, “PicPac”, which is a stop motion editor. We took pictures from the tablet’s camera and, we inserted all the pictures into the, “PicPac” app. We had problems with the audio, it was hard to record because, of all the mistakes we made, recording. The app did not have a, “pause” button, so we had to wait until the video ended and, start all over from the beginning, again. I learned how stop motion worked and, that it takes a lot of time doing it, for just three minutes. I also learned the play better from having to restart the video and, making it.

Animal Farm Propaganda Poster



Propaganda Poster

This Poster is based on the book “Animal Farm”, written by George Orwell. The poster is a propaganda poster and it contains four types of propaganda.
The first type of propaganda is, Bandwagon. Napoleon wants to take the dog’s children so he can educate them, so he wants as many as possible, in order to do that he would create a poster including bandwagon, so the other dogs would think that he’s doing good for their future of their children and agree to what he is doing.
Glittering Generalities, the poster has a slogan, “Make YOUR Children Smart”. It tells the dogs that Napoleon wants to educate their children for a good purpose, to make them more intelligent for a better future. There is also a writing in the back saying “Education is Best”, meaning that education is the best thing to do to their children so they can become smarter dogs.
Another propaganda type in this poster would be Plain Folks, because you can see, that the teacher which is a pig teaches different kinds of puppies. The poster looks like an everyday normal thing that they would do daily. This is good for the other dogs to see because every parent would want to see something normal and nice for their children, and as the puppies are smiling, the parents will see this and think that they are enjoying their time, they are having fun by getting educated.
The final propaganda type of this poster is, Repetition. The slogan, “Make YOUR Children Smart”, would be very repetitive to the parents and it would be a good sentence to repeat, because the parents will see this all the time, and they would think that, what Napoleon is doing, is good for their children, and they should send them to Napoleon so they can be educated. There is also the slogan in the background “Education is Best” which is almost the same as the main slogan, because it is based around education, making the poster even more repetitive.

The Secluded Lot Graphic Novel

Exposition: ““I’d like to inquire about a lot”

Rising action: ““Haven’t you something out of the way, sort of hard to find? I don’t want relatives interfering —nosing around, you know.” Mr. Jerome studied the map thoughtfully… there were a few white vacancies left “There might be room for just one more off Willow Walk here” “Needs a bit of clearing though, and a proper entrance. It would be very private”” (116)


Rising action: “Mr. Jerome… instructed his secretary, Miss Jones, to type the old man’s name on the black line between the small print- Mortimer Blake” (118)

Rising action; ““Good afternoon, Rest Haven” Miss Jones used just the right intonation over the telephone “Services tomorrow at eleven at the chapel” (118)


Climax: “Ouch!” Yelled Mr. Jerome “That cursed bee stung me.”… “How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery?”, “It’s on my property. I purchased it, did I not”, “No business such as this is allowed on this sanctuary.”… “You sell honey?” Mr. Jerome was shocked.” (119)


Falling action: ““Experienced bee keepers figure one to two hectares of heavy flowering plants for each colony of bees,” The old man went on “Of course, in my small rooming house it was out of question. Then I saw this beautiful land and acquired property of my own.””


Falling action: ““For obvious reasons: we can’t have the mourners stung…”, “Mr. Jerome, I have done you great service. Your flowers have not been so magnificent or plentiful.” (120)


Denouement: “The old man straightened and looked at him proudly. “Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should buy another lot.”” (121)

