Socials 10: Confederation Inflection

  1. What colony did you represent?: Newfoundland
  2. What did you feel were the biggest or most important issues for your colony?: Our economy was bad and we were not popular among other colonies.
  3. What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issues?: We made plans for a railway to be built through Newfoundland and tried to negotiate with more colonies.
  4. Did you have to make any concessions during the negotiation phase?  If so, what agreements or concessions did you come up with?: We came up with the free docking fees.
  5. Were you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates?: Yes we got all of the things that weren’t already agreed on passed.
  6. What is one thing you wish had happened differently with the final results and why?: I wish we could’ve found a way to deal with the United States so we could have more routes.

To my grade 11 self

Dear me, by grade 11 I hope that you spend more time studying on tests and quizes, I also reccomend you to stop talking a lot (but we both know that won’t happen). Grade 10 in english has been a lot of fun, make sure to make next year as much as fun as this one. With love, your 15 year old self.

Inquiry post for “First They Came for the Jews”

What if the world did not speak out?

In the poem “ First They Came for the Jews” by Martin Niemöller, there are lot of examples to solve this question. In the quotes, “First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew” (stanza 1), “Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist”(stanza 2) and “Then they came for the trade unionistand I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist”(stanza 3), shows a big sign of silence and that the man who was a christian pastor, a man who is supposed to be very religious and should be very generous and kind, does not do it because he is simply not any of those people. At the end of the poem, “ Then they came for me and there was no ine left to speak out for me.”(stanza 4), shows the result of not speaking up, it shows that if everyone is silent they will end up like the person in this poem, all alone and scared.
