Equilibrium Project – Balancing Acts Project
November 24, 2024
Friday’s Assembly
Tarek Diabmarzouk
During today’s assembly, I was able to observe more about Métis culture, specifically, the traditional dances that have been passed down through generations. While watching the dancers, I was intrigued by the way they moved together and the history of the dances they did. I was able to learn more about a specific dance in class, which is known as the Metis jig. Metis jigging is a traditional dance that has combinations of First Nation, French-Canadian, and Scottish dancing. I also learned how Métis people have used this traditional dancing as the foundation of Métis jigging, but have adapted it to their culture. In the assembly, I felt connected with the dancers and musicians who collaborated together to make such a beautiful piece of art. Everyone who was performing felt very welcoming and it reminded students that we are all one, especially when they asked who wanted to dance with them. I found that it plays a big role in reconciliation to feel connected with everyone no matter who they are. As well, it demonstrated how this land is shared, and how many cultures have assembled in Canada. Therefore, in this week’s assemblies, I was able to learn about something new and feel connected with what I was learning.
In the novel “1984” by George Orwell, many different types of physical and emotional settings are used. Physical setting is when the time, date, location, physical feature(s), adjective, or the weather is being explained. An example of a physical setting would be, “The weather was baking hot. In the labyrinthine Ministry, the windowless, air-conditioned rooms kept their normal temperature, but outside the pavements scorched one’s feet and the stench of the Tubes at the rush hours was a horror” (Orwell 158). You can see that this is a proper example of a physical setting because it demonstrates features such as weather, physical features, and adjective. Emotional setting is when the mood or atmosphere is demonstrated within proper words. An example of an emotional setting would be when the author exaggerates, “Roared out by hundreds of voices to the tramp of marching feet, it was terrifying” (Orwell 159). You can see that the mood in this sentence is very tense or serious, as well it demonstrates a good example of how the atmosphere may look like by just using words such as roared and tramp. In conclusion, you can see physical and emotional settings being used all throughout “1984.”
Winston Smith is a man who corresponds to the INGSOC society. Winston lives in near-future London in the novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” and he has thoughts that he is afraid to express to anyone. Being terrified in such a horrific world is not permitted, and Winston is. He is the main character in the story, describing what he sees around him. As a result, Winston chooses to write in his book what he thinks or wants to convey instead. Winston lost his mother young, making him not appreciate feelings toward women. Because of that, he is very sexist and misogynistic towards women, in the book, it is expressed that, “he would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian” (Orwell 17). In his day-to-day life, a telescreen is always watching him, and even the slightest murmur he makes is picked up by it. Smith works in the truth pyramid in the records department, where he re-writes history. He is described to be approximately forty years old, Caucasian and wears overalls daily. Because he works in re-writing history, he knows what has happened and what type of propaganda the government is displaying against the citizens of Airspace 1, which was once called Great Britain. He is rebellious and does not appreciate or agree with how the world is run in a dystopian civilization. Winston represents the fight for liberty and the unbreakable spirit of resistance to an all-encompassing totalitarian dictatorship.
Prompt: Describe a man who is a thirty-nine year olds and poor in health. He lives in a dystopian society and wears overalls on a daily and lives in the city London.
My goal is to answer the question, “How does the adventures of astronauts in space affect their physical and mental health? Can we use this information to prepare the next generation of astronauts?” By doing this, I will be able to create a better understanding of how space voyages impact astronauts’ behavioural and physical health.
For many years now, astronauts have been humanities living proof of what earth looks like from above and many other aspects that affect our lives daily. When taken into consideration, there must be a developed answer to how these tense adventures affect astronauts’ mental and physical health.
When adventuring into space, astronauts live in a shuttle for around 6-months. There are many things that change about an astronaut’s life in space, for example, no sense of proper time, improper diets, distance from family and friends (etc.) With all this information, the appropriate question is how astronauts’ mental health is affected in space.
For every twenty-four hours, astronauts orbit the earth, they see 16 sunrises and sunsets. With this information, there is a moment of question, how does time work in space? Time does not work in space as it does on earth. With earth having different timezones, we experience mornings, afternoons, evenings (etc.) However, in space, humans do not share this, making it hard for the body to discover how to sleep like people on earth usually do. Not only does not having a helpful source of time affects how astronauts sleep, but it is also reported that when a human is exposed to blue light, the brain tells the body to stay up later. With this, your body does not release the melatonin you need to go to sleep, making it twice as hard for humans to fall asleep in space. With the lack of sleep, astronauts mental health can potentially be damaged. While being sleep-deprived can put the other astronauts in danger, making it dangerous for that astronaut to operate appropriately. In addition, the lack of sleep can cause depression, anxiety and stress, which impacts mental and physical health.
With being away from family for an extended amount of time, it is reported that the feeling of crew members living in tight spaces can be affected by the distance between them. Astronauts can have a sense of fear while being in space and especially knowing that there is a possibility that they can get lost and never be found again. As well, pressure can overthrow astronauts mental health and can have ability to cause humans in space to do unwanted events.
Further research shows astronauts have a three to fifty-eight percent chance of developing PTSD. When a human obtains post-traumatic stress disorder, there is an eighty-four percent chance of that person becoming an alcoholic, a four-two perfect chance of drug abuse, and sixty-eight chance of depression with a twenty-six percent chance of antisocial personality disorder. This can cause austoranuats in the long run after returning to earth. Some astronauts say that their depression has lasted for seven months, and others say longer than a year.
Although not everyone says that mental health is supposedly ruined by going to space, some specialists say this is a good chance for astronauts to improve their mental health. It is said in an article that, “being in space is a meaningful experience that makes an enduring positive impression on astronauts and cosmonauts” (Ihle, Ritsher, & Kanas, 2006). With further research, it is arguable that being in space can affect your mental health positively and disdainfully.
To the continuation of answering my wonder question, the sub-question of how are astronauts physical health affected in space must be answered.
The atmosphere that earth contains allows for space radiation to be shielded. However, when it comes to space, no atmosphere around astronauts will stop this radiation from affecting their physical health. Space radiation is different from the ones we experience on earth. It is made up of three kinds of radiation, and astronauts are exposed to ionizing radiation. The effect of this ranges from 50 to 2,000 mSv, equal to having 150 to 6,000 chest x-rays. Association with this radiation can cause long and short-term health conditions dependent on the amount of radiation that astronauts may be exposed to. This radiation can put humans in space at risk of cancer, central nervous system damage, bone loss, and some cardiovascular diseases. Also, the distance from the earth can be very unbeneficial for an astronaut. With maintaining a special diet, astronauts must watch what they eat and how balanced their meals are.
When taking the example of astronaut Scott Kelly with an identical twin brother, you can see his differences from his brother. He spent more than a year on the ISS before returning to earth. When returning to earth, it was recognized that the identical twins’ DNA diverged, with almost one thousand of Kelly’s genes and chromosomes working differently. However, most effects went away after a few months, reports The Washington Post. Scientists say that the more an astronaut remains in space, the more significant changes there are.
Astronauts must exercise to keep their bodies in the correct shape while in space. Due to space having zero gravity, astronauts can experience up to twenty percent loss of muscle mass. This is because they do not use the standard human muscles daily on earth. When astronauts come back from space, their muscle mass will not be the same, and they will have a hard time walking and using their muscles which will make them need to go through a period of physical therapy, which will allow them to use their muscles properly again.
Furthermost, when it comes to the physical health of astronauts, some excessive impacts happen to astronauts in space, which can be long-lasting. However, when coming back to earth, the physical health of astronauts can be regained, but there are more risks of health concerns, shown in great examples of identical twins where one goes to space and the other stays on Earth.
Now, to answer the last sub-question within my wonder question, how can we use this information to prepare the next generation of astronauts?
Modern-day astronauts seem very advanced in how they treat their bodies and mental health in space. However, with all the information written above, researchers can use this information and team up with specialists such as psychologists and physiologists to create a more efficient way for the next generation of astronauts to be better prepared for space. Taking that information into knowledge, I believe that there could be a significant difference in how the next generation of astronauts will prepare for space since specialists can test astronauts and see how they can improve the way that humans in space may be able to take care of themselves better.
Why does this matter?
Public Broadcasting is a modern, diverse, and educational way of broadcasting. In Canada, the recognized public broadcaster is called the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or the abbreviation CBC. CBC started as a radio in 1932; later, in 1952, it became accessible on television. It was not until 1993 that CBC launched its first online service. The advantage of having such cooperation is that it allows Canadians to access diverse, reasonable, and opinionated-free services. It is a broadcast that you feel safe to rely on, as well it allows every Canadian to feel at home with its stories. Although, some people may not agree with public broadcasting due to the fact that some citizens may not want to pay more in their taxes for a service that they may not use. Public broadcasting is an excellent service that is believed to be more resonated with the younger generation, allowing stories to be more diverse and modern. It can do this while sticking to its mandate by using the mandates as an advantage to creating a better story, podcast, video and much more that CBC has to offer.
We are currently learning about Evolution in Life Sciences 11. This unit talks about how humans have developed, and so have animals. Darwin plays a significant role in this. Today we will answer the question(s), “how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct, and how does it change how we view evolution today and into the future?”.
The question that will be first answered is, “how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct?”
When DNA was discovered, it played a primary factor in identifying the theory of evolution. DNA and the genetic code reflect the shared ancestry life. I would like to include that humans have a 1% difference in the DNA of our bodies from chimps. However, chimps have 18 letters in DNA sequences compared to humans. Many know that it is believed that specifically, humans evolved from apes. However, Darwin believed that humans also evolved from fish. In other words, it is said that the bones of the human inner ear developed from fish gills. This is allowed since a switch in the body tells the “stuff genes” what to do and when. That will enable us to understand that all life forms are related but evolved into different species. This shows that all species come from one ancestor.
The next question I will answer is, “how does the discovery of DNA change how we view evolution today and into the future?”
The discovery of DNA changes how we view evolution today since it allows us to understand how every living animal is. An excellent example is the discovery of how slight differences in DNA can create enormous changes in an organism, such as chimps and humans. Scientists are now able to discover not just the genes but identify the bases thanks to the discovery of DNA. Bottoms allow us to distinguish other organisms from each other. In the future, I believe that evolution will be even viewed differently when more findings of DNA are released. As well as, our current technology shows that legs only appeared 365 million years ago. With new technology being developed every day, more and more will be learned, and the discovery of DNA and genetics will help us understand the theory of evolution even better.
Works Cited
Boersma, Alex “This 365-million-year-old fish fossil reveals how life came to land.” Inverse, July 2022, https://www.inverse.com/science/new-fish-fossil-land-animal-evolution. Accessed 3 March 2023.
Ramirez, Israel. “Comparing Chromosomes.” Quora, 2019, https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-big-key-differences-between-a-human-and-our-nearest-genetic-relative-a-chimpanzee. Accessed 3 March 2023
“Explain the difference between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Why was Darwin’s more successful?” Telgurus, https://telgurus.co.uk/explain-the-difference-between-lamarcks-and-darwins-theory-of-evolution/. Accessed 3 March 2023
For our project, my group and I decided to create it on homelessness rates in the lower mainland of British Columbia. We gathered information such as average house pricing, income, and homelessness in each area. We chose this specific element because homelessness is not improving in Vancouver, and our generation is the future of this country. We wanted to demonstrate data so people could somehow help the issue/victims of homelessness by using our specific project. With a 3D project, we decided to use objects such as homes. Using homes, we represented every city in a small neighbourhood. I believe that my group and I represented it well by including trees and colours in the house to represent the average homelessness rate more. Therefore, in conclusion, morality played a significant role in this project as well projecting the problem to other students and teachers.