Earth Science Portfolio

June 16, 2022



How might a food web that includes a consumer that is a threatened species (in low numbers) be affected if the consumers population continues to decline?

A food web that includes a consumer that is a threatened species can be affected  if the population continues to decrease by not having a consumer to eat the organism before them. This can be a 1st degree consumer, or 1st degree producer. Since there would be no organism to eat the other, this would mean that the consumer would increase in growth and population to an extent where it’d get bad and affect the ecosystem. As well, if the consumers population declines this means the consumers beyond their level would not have much to eat.


Once upon a time there was a Barred owl named Katherine. Katherine loved to adventure; she’d spread her wings high and go to places she’d never been before. One day, she found herself in a city called Port Coquitlam, located in a temperate rain forest of British Columbia. Katherine is an Apex Predator. This means that she has no natural predator. Because Katherine is an apex predator, this makes her be at the top of her food chain(s).

As a small owl, Katherine used to go with her mother in the nest. There she learned how to fly and picked up many characteristics such as hunting for prey from her mother. She’d hunt at night, and sleep in the day. Katherine loved to hunt for animals such as small rodents and mammals. Because Kathrine enjoyed eating this animals, she actually helped crop land and other type of lands being ruined by these rodents. Like other owls, Katherine is awake at night and falls asleep in the daytime.  

Since Katherine would play a big role in the environment as an owl, she also interactions with the earths 4 spheres. These are the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geosphere. When it comes to the Atmosphere, naturally Katherine is an owl and can fly. The way she interacts with the atmosphere is by flying places, not all animals can do this.  With  the biosphere, she likes to eat small rodents, and with the Geosphere she could naturally pick up sticks to make a nest for her children. 

That is the story of Katherine. Humans never minded since she captured prey at night and slept in the day after a big feast. Katherine never moved out of Port Coquitlam, or Bc, in fact she lived happily ever after. 

Biotechnology and Soultion Fluency

May 14, 2022

It's time to question bio-engineering

Solution Fluency Presentation 


Working on this project was quite easy and very informational. I learned a lot, and got to bond with my partner, Katherine. Personally, I feel like the project could've have more effort put-into it towards some of the research and our dilemma, but other than that I feel that we did great. As well, doing this project helped me expand my mindset on where the world is leading too and how fast it's taking humans to do something they couldn't have thought of doing not even a century ago.


Meiosis Stop Motion Project

May 10, 2022


For my stop motion project I decided to work with Nathan on the process of Meiosis. During the project we worked hard together and did our best on producing the project. We got to combine our knowledge and collaborate and what we would like to do with the model, script, and more. In the video, you will see how we used our separate strengths and how it made the project better.


Analysis Questions

Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis-one over the other? Be Specific!

My partner and I choose to model meiosis since we figured after modelling mitosis it would be easier for us to model Meiosis, as well we wanted to challenge ourselves and see if we could grow our knowledge of Meiosis.

What was the most challenging thing in making your movie?

Personally, the most challenging part of making the movie was creating the model of Meiosis in under an hour and twenty-minutes. I felt under pressure to finish the video with my partner since we only had one block to do it due to the pro-d day. Gladly, I can say that my partner and I were resilient about this and finished in the block.

What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie?

The easiest part of creating the movie was the editing process. It didn’t take long for me to complete editing this video since it wasn’t long at all. As well, the voice over was easy since there was a script made before doing anything.

How could you improve your movie?

One way my partner and I could improve our movie would be by getting better pictures. Since we were in a rush we didn’t pay enough attention the how to camera is moving or where the model is in the picture. Therefore, the video could be improved by better photography.

Thinking about how you worked with your partner, what were some of the challenges and the successes of working in a group?

Working with Nathan was a pleasure. We work really well together, and we go to use our strengths in the project to make the project better. One challenge was not getting enough time with each other to work on the project, and one success or working in a duo with Nathan was dividing the work into half.

Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis? 

Mitosis is the division of a single cell into two daughter cells that are identical (cell division). Mitosis is the process through which a single cell splits into two identical cells. Therefore, the point of cells performing Mtiosis is mostly used to increase cell growth and replacement.

Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis?

Meiosis is a process that produces gametes, or sex cells. Four daughter cells are formed during meiosis. Therefore, the point of cells performing Meiosis is to produce sex cells.

Core Competency

Riverside CC’s Self Assessment Document

Xenon – Element Sway

March 11, 2022

by Tarek Diabmarzouk

What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

Some questions that I had to research in order to create my sway contained me looking at a variety of different websites and pictures. I had to research things such as, “Who discovered Xenon” to “What is the melting point of Xenon.” It was an exciting process since I learned a lot, and had to always fact-check that everything was true. In other words, while researching something you must be straightforward with your question to find the correct answer. This is something I had to learn the hard way. Therefore, I had to research many questions to create my sway.

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

For all my projects, I like to use 3 digital tools. Creative Commons, Google and Gale Databases. For this project, I mainly used Creative Commons and Google. This is simply because I could not find a lot on Gale about Xenon. I’m glad I found good information about Xenon on Google, as well as very nice pictures on Creative Commons.  I did not try any new digital tools for this project, but hopefully, on my next project, I will.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

The process I used to investigate the topic was very easy. For every piece of info, I’d find I’d go to several different sites and verify if they all say the same thing. If this was the case I’d put the information in my project, and if it wasn’t, I would not. However, for my citation, it was really easy to do. I put all my links into citation machine and they cited them for me! I love that website.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The process of completing this challenge was a very smooth one and was not really challenging at all. I found it really easy to do this project, and I can’t wait to do more. Although, on that thought, while doing my future projects I would try to make it a tiny bit longer so there could be more information than the element/subject. I enjoyed creating this project and can’t wait to work on my other one and do even better on it!

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