Physics 11 Midterm Reflection and Goal Setting

April 8, 2024

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Pillar: Content

Current Strengths: The current strengths which I am able to obtain and continue within understanding content is consistently showing curiosity in the course and seeking ways to connect and deepen my learning. I believe that I can do this well with little to no help but much guidance. I am always seeking guidance in class when I am able due to the urge of mine to be a better student and understand the content which is given to me. I am also able to apply past knowledge to the content in the course. I am confident and comfortable in using my numeracy skills from grade 10 to solve for the variable. I am also able to apply deeper knowledge from Science 10 Honours and other courses such as Math 10 and 11 which help me explore a deeper understanding of physics and allow me to apply skills to solve problems which may be given to me in class. 

Areas of Future Growth: A specific area of growth which I am able to work on is demonstrating my knowledge of understanding through assessments. On the assessments, I can show a decent application of understanding but am not as confident when I am doing the homework or labs. I am able to leave space for mistakes and grow from them, however. I believe that this will grow as the school year continues. 

Goal: My goal is to be able to work towards a more confident zone where I am able to proceed with higher marks on assessments. I believe that this is a SMART goal since I am able to achieve it in time towards the ending of the course and it is realistic. To reach the goal I will set less reliance to the answer key and be more confident with my answers so that when I am doing the tests I will be able to feel that level of confidence on it. I will also try and practice more and study efficiently and actively instead of feeling over confident. This goal will help strengthen my content understanding and make me feel prepared for higher science classes that I will hopefully be taking in the future. Overall,  I believe I am able to grow within this goal and aim to be a better a physics student in the last half of the semester. 

Revisiting Midterm Goal Setting – June 18th

Revisiting my goal and reflection from the midterm assessment, I believe that I worked towards my goal but did not fully meet it. I tried my best by studying and continuing asking for help. I did however incorporate less reliance on the answer keys and some how did feel more confident on the tests.

I am particularly proud of the Car project which I worked on with Emily and Zoe. This project really allowed me to think about all the physics which I have learned so far and allowed me to corporate that understanding in making a moving object. However, if there was anything that I would’ve done differently to be more proud of my self in this course, it would definitely be reading the lab instructions fully to help me with concluding questions. I believe this would’ve gotten me better grades on Labs, specifically, the pulley lab.

For my next semester courses, I would like to work and focus on managing my time and being less anxious for assessments and study effectively by not being distracted by my electronics and activities. I believe that this will be a good skill which I can take into my post-secondary education which will help me grow and be stronger student.

Overall, I was able to work towards my goal while trying my best and have created a better understanding on what I actually need to work on, not what I just want to work on within my goals.

What Darwin Never Knew – Blog Post

March 4, 2023

We are currently learning about Evolution in Life Sciences 11. This unit talks about how humans have developed, and so have animals. Darwin plays a significant role in this. Today we will answer the question(s), “how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct, and how does it change how we view evolution today and into the future?”.

The question that will be first answered is, “how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct?”

When DNA was discovered, it played a primary factor in identifying the theory of evolution. DNA and the genetic code reflect the shared ancestry life. I would like to include that humans have a 1% difference in the DNA of our bodies from chimps. However, chimps have 18 letters in DNA sequences compared to humans. Many know that it is believed that specifically, humans evolved from apes. However, Darwin believed that humans also evolved from fish. In other words, it is said that the bones of the human inner ear developed from fish gills. This is allowed since a switch in the body tells the “stuff genes” what to do and when. That will enable us to understand that all life forms are related but evolved into different species. This shows that all species come from one ancestor.

The next question I will answer is, “how does the discovery of DNA change how we view evolution today and into the future?”

The discovery of DNA changes how we view evolution today since it allows us to understand how every living animal is. An excellent example is the discovery of how slight differences in DNA can create enormous changes in an organism, such as chimps and humans.  Scientists are now able to discover not just the genes but identify the bases thanks to the discovery of DNA. Bottoms allow us to distinguish other organisms from each other. In the future, I believe that evolution will be even viewed differently when more findings of DNA are released. As well as, our current technology shows that legs only appeared 365 million years ago. With new technology being developed every day, more and more will be learned, and the discovery of DNA and genetics will help us understand the theory of evolution even better.


Works Cited

Boersma, Alex “This 365-million-year-old fish fossil reveals how life came to land.”  Inverse, July 2022, Accessed 3 March 2023.

Ramirez, Israel. “Comparing Chromosomes.” Quora, 2019, Accessed 3 March 2023

“Explain the difference between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Why was Darwin’s more successful?” Telgurus, Accessed 3 March 2023


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