1984 Documentary – “The Barrier”

June 20, 2023




3D Cityscape of “1984”

June 4, 2023

Physical Setting Quotations
Quote #1: “They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes. The sunlight, filtering through innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces” (Orwell 132).

Quote #2: “ The air seemed to kiss one’s skin. It was the second of May. From somewhere deeper in the heart of the wood came the droning of ring doves” (Orwell 126).

Quote #3: “She had named a place where they could meet after work, four evenings hence. It was a street in one of the poorer quarters, where there was an open market which was generally crowded and noisy” (Orwell 136).

Quote #4:” They were passing in silence down a side-street (Julia would never speak when they were away from the main streets) when there was a deafening roar, the earth heaved, and the air darkened, and Winston found himself lying on his side, bruised and terrified. A rocket bomb must have dropped quite near at hand” (Orwell 138).

Emotional Setting Quotations
Quote #5: “They were only making conversation. He had managed to move closer to her now. She stood before him very upright, with a smile on her face that looked faintly ironical, as though she were wondering why he was so slow to act. The bluebells had cascaded on to the ground. They seemed to have fallen of their own accord. He took her hand” (Orwell 128).

Quote #6: “They were both breathing fast, but the smile had reappeared round the corners of her mouth. She stood looking at him for an instant, then felt at the zipper of her overalls. And, yes! it was almost as in his dream” (Orwell 133-134).

Characterization Practice – Part 2, Chapter 8 from “1984”

May 29, 2023

In the novel “1984” by George Orwell, you can see the usage of characterization throughout the whole book. Characterization is the development or representation of who a character is or how a character may act. There is also direct characterization which falls under characterization. Direct characterization is when the author tells you about the character. For example, in chapter 8 when it says, “At the far end of the room O’Brien was sitting at a table under a green-shaded lamp, with a mass of papers on either side of him” (Orwell 180), it demonstrates direct characterization. As you can see in the example, it is telling the readers what O’Brien is doing rather than showing. There is also indirect characterization is when the character is being shown by their speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks. A good example of this from the novel would be, “‘Martin is one of us,’ said O’Brien impassively” (Orwell 183). In this example, you can recognize who O’Brien is as a character by just showing what his speech sounds like. Therefore, we can conclude that in the novel “1984” by George Orwell, plenty of indirect and direct characterization is shown within the novel.

1984 Propaganda Poster

May 23, 2023



A crowd of people with blank stares and red glowing eyes staring at the camera I’m the middle of a street in the middle of no where, Polaroid 1970s
by indalle2

Created on Canva.com

Symbols within 1984

May 16, 2023

Propaganda in 1984

May 15, 2023

Propaganda is described as information that is wrongly outputted to make others believe in differently. Specifically, it is used to promote or publicize a specific political point of view. For example, in the second world war, the government would intrigue families of all incomes to buy war bonds to support the army economically. However, they’d do this by using propaganda. In the novel “1984,” you can occasionally recognize random appearances of propaganda. It appears throughout a brainwashed society mostly and the inferior big brother. By using big brother and the government, the term, “Big Brother is always watching you,” is propaganda itself to make the citizens do as the government pleases. Some techniques that appear in the novel, “1984” are when the two minutes of hate comes on, there is name calling involved directed to whoever may be on the television during that hour of the day, or the big brother posters can be shown as a transfer, making the poster carry respect and authority. As well, another excellent example of this is when the government uses slogans such as “War is peace” as a type of propaganda, the technique used in this is cause and effect mismatch since it may be confusing to the citizens or readers of the book because it displays the exact opposite meaning of the word. Therefore, the novel “1984” is full of propaganda if you look really closely at what you are reading.

Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four) - Wikipedia



1984 Political Spectrum

May 12, 2023

The political spectrum is described as a system to classify different types of political positions and or parties.  It is used as a way for people to express how they feel in a political way. Classically, anything to do with the left side of the political spectrum is to do with freedom, equality, rights, and internationalism. On the right side, it’s expressed to be full of traditional rules, authority, hierarchy and orders.  There is also a big difference between authoritarian and libertarian. Authoritarianism is described as the belief that the government will have authority and that it should be obeyed, while libertarianism is described as the belief of maximizing equity and personal freedom among the citizens. In the book, “1984,” I believe that the government, which is named INGSOC (English Socialist Party) and Big Brother, belong precisely on the top left of the spectrum because they are very controlling towards their citizens. With whatever it may be, the government will control who gets married to whom and much more to do with the citizen’s daily life, which they have no say in. As well, the government does not allow freedom of speech or thought, trying to keep things in a “traditional” aspect.

Political spectrum - Wikipedia


Winston from “1984”

May 9, 2023

Winston Smith is a man who corresponds to the INGSOC society. Winston lives in near-future London in the novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” and he has thoughts that he is afraid to express to anyone. Being terrified in such a horrific world is not permitted, and Winston is. He is the main character in the story, describing what he sees around him. As a result, Winston chooses to write in his book what he thinks or wants to convey instead. Winston lost his mother young, making him not appreciate feelings toward women. Because of that, he is very sexist and misogynistic towards women, in the book, it is expressed that, “he would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian” (Orwell 17). In his day-to-day life, a telescreen is always watching him, and even the slightest murmur he makes is picked up by it. Smith works in the truth pyramid in the records department, where he re-writes history. He is described to be approximately forty years old, Caucasian and wears overalls daily. Because he works in re-writing history, he knows what has happened and what type of propaganda the government is displaying against the citizens of Airspace 1, which was once called Great Britain. He is rebellious and does not appreciate or agree with how the world is run in a dystopian civilization. Winston represents the fight for liberty and the unbreakable spirit of resistance to an all-encompassing totalitarian dictatorship.

Prompt: Describe a man who is a thirty-nine year olds and poor in health. He lives in a dystopian society and wears overalls on a daily and lives in the city London.

Spoken Word – “Was it ever about the comments?”

May 3, 2023

Why Did George Orwell write the novel 1984?

May 3, 2023

Why Did George Orwell write  1984?

George Orwell began to write the novel “1984” after the second world war. This novel was written as a warning of a horrible vision of society, considering what may happen in the future and what should be feared. He wrote the book with the idea of London so that it would feel real to the readers and not just another dystopian story. The horrible visions in a dystopian are no knowledge or emotions, the change of vocabulary and much more which the author George Orwell what 1984 would look like. However, 1984 could happen at any time, for example, this book could be named 2073, and it would still be considered reasonable. In “1984,” everyone is labelled, and one country is constantly at war with the other at all times. The technology that Orwell had during his time was very limited to what we now have and may have persuaded the novel and why he wrote such a political and graphic novel. He mainly wrote the book to advise readers of how the world would look like if governments like the Nazis or the Soviet Union stayed in power at the time. Nothing less, this book is the main idea of what people should fear what may happen in the near or further future dependent on the leaders of the world.

Why You Should Read the 1984 Graphic Novel | NERDGEIST



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