Why Did George Orwell write the novel 1984?

Why Did George Orwell write  1984?

George Orwell began to write the novel “1984” after the second world war. This novel was written as a warning of a horrible vision of society, considering what may happen in the future and what should be feared. He wrote the book with the idea of London so that it would feel real to the readers and not just another dystopian story. The horrible visions in a dystopian are no knowledge or emotions, the change of vocabulary and much more which the author George Orwell what 1984 would look like. However, 1984 could happen at any time, for example, this book could be named 2073, and it would still be considered reasonable. In “1984,” everyone is labelled, and one country is constantly at war with the other at all times. The technology that Orwell had during his time was very limited to what we now have and may have persuaded the novel and why he wrote such a political and graphic novel. He mainly wrote the book to advise readers of how the world would look like if governments like the Nazis or the Soviet Union stayed in power at the time. Nothing less, this book is the main idea of what people should fear what may happen in the near or further future dependent on the leaders of the world.

Why You Should Read the 1984 Graphic Novel | NERDGEIST



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