Canadian Public Broadcasting

Public Broadcasting is a modern, diverse, and educational way of broadcasting. In Canada, the recognized public broadcaster is called the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or the abbreviation CBC. CBC started as a radio in 1932; later, in 1952, it became accessible on television. It was not until 1993 that CBC launched its first online service. The advantage of having such cooperation is that it allows Canadians to access diverse, reasonable, and opinionated-free services. It is a broadcast that you feel safe to rely on, as well it allows every Canadian to feel at home with its stories. Although,  some people may not agree with public broadcasting due to the fact that some citizens may not want to pay more in their taxes for a service that they may not use. Public broadcasting is an excellent service that is believed to be more resonated with the younger generation, allowing stories to be more diverse and modern. It can do this while sticking to its mandate by using the mandates as an advantage to creating a better story, podcast, video and much more that CBC has to offer.

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