Canadian Public Broadcasting

March 6, 2023

Public Broadcasting is a modern, diverse, and educational way of broadcasting. In Canada, the recognized public broadcaster is called the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or the abbreviation CBC. CBC started as a radio in 1932; later, in 1952, it became accessible on television. It was not until 1993 that CBC launched its first online service. The […]

What Darwin Never Knew – Blog Post

March 4, 2023

We are currently learning about Evolution in Life Sciences 11. This unit talks about how humans have developed, and so have animals. Darwin plays a significant role in this. Today we will answer the question(s), “how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct, and how does it change how […]

Data Visualization Final Analysis – Science 10 Honours

March 4, 2023

  For our project, my group and I decided to create it on homelessness rates in the lower mainland of British Columbia. We gathered information such as average house pricing, income, and homelessness in each area. We chose this specific element because homelessness is not improving in Vancouver, and our generation is the future of […]

Indigenous Podcast – Where is she now?

March 4, 2023

Audio Cover Art Word Documents (Paragraph and Citations; Script)

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