Residential School Word Cloud

February 17, 2023

This cloud is based on the graphic novel “Sugar Falls” by David A. Robertson and Scott B. Henderson a true story of an Indigenous woman named Betty Ross. This cloud explains her personal story about residential schools and how she survived it. I added words to this word cloud such as trauma, river, and assimilation […]

Speculative Fiction Assignment: Analysis of Oliver

February 16, 2023

Oliver by Tarek Diabmarzouk This story was created by using DALL-E Prompt                 This image was created by using DALL-E, an online service that generates AI-Images depending on prompts. The prompt and connection with this image is described in the paragraph below.  Paragraph      

Media Research Assignment: Understanding the History of Facebook

February 7, 2023


Science 10 Honours – Paper Airplane Assignment

February 2, 2023

Results of the Investigation: I believe that the results of Vlads and I investigation were successful. We were able to understand the difference between a paper airplane with weights and without. I learned that the more weight you add to a vehicle or anything moving, it will not be able to show its full speed […]

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