Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

  1. How you figured out what equations to use.

Throughout my Desmos project I used various equations to make lines and colour in a picture. Using my general knowledge and a bit of research into what various equations would result in, I planned out which equations would go where based off of the shapes of the original equations. For example, if in original picture you had to make an eye, an ellipse might be the best choice when making the circle of the eye. Using this method I was able to efficiently mold the equations into my vision.

2. Did you have any challenges?

Yes, this Desmos task took up a lot of time and had many challenges. One challenge I faced in particular was colouring of the project, in the colouring stage I could not figure out how to colour in my project effectively, even though I did look at the explanation of how to do this on the website provided. Obviously I was eventually able to colour my project in and complete it.

3. Any aha moments?

My big aha moment came while colouring my project, as hinted at in the paragraph above. In the beginning of my colouring stage, I could not figure out how to colour. Eventually, after many attempts, trials, and conversations I finally realized that I was looking at the colouring aspect all wrong. I originally did not understand how to colour because I didn’t quite understand what I was doing with the inequality signs and restrictions, but I soon realized that the colouring was like a river and I had to guide the water through restrictions to get to my final destination/product.

4. Did you get help?

Yes, in the beginning of my colouring stage I could not write the inequality equations so that they would show up. For example I would write in an equation and Desmos would say that it worked but not show up on the graph. after many attempts I asked my desk mates, it turned out that I was was formatting the inequality incorrectly.

5. Did you use any strategies?

Yes, throughout my project I used many strategies to complete my project more efficiently. One strategy that I mentioned in my first paragraph was how I pre-planned where I knew the different equations would work and match the shape of the picture. By doing organizing I was able to complete my project quicker and strategically pick where the more difficultly shaped equations would go.

6. How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations? 

Yes, this project introduced a visual aspect of learning that helped my to better understand transformations of functions and relations. This visual learning experience improved upon my ability to recognize transformations and their resultants. An example of this is on my final exam, where I was able to demonstrate an overall better understanding of the graphing questions when compared to my previous tests. Overall this assignment allowed to create a better understanding of functions and relations through visualization and repeated practice.

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