Community Connections

About Dave

Dave Lalley owns a plumbing company and is a piping and plumbing teacher at Langley Secondary School. 

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

Dave is passionate about his job for a couple of reasons, some of which are that he can see the work that he has done/accomplished when he is finished, he is also passionate about how he can work with apprentices and teach them he knows from his years of experience.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get to where you are today?

It has taken time realize the value of what he does.


3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing

His  advice is to learn the how and the why of what to do not just the how by knowing the why, you make yourself much more valuable and open up options for the future.

15 June - New plumbing stack

4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

Yes. His email is

5.  Are there any other similar careers that you were interested in? If so what were they and why did you choose the career you are in now over your other options?

Yes, he was interested and almost became a restaurant manager at mcdonald’s, he choose piping and plumbing becuase of life style and hours, as a restaurant manager the busiest time are in the evening and saturdays and he wanted to be free at these times for family instead, he chose a trade and interviewed different people in trades piping and plumbing was the most appealing to him.


6. How long would say is the average a person would work at your job for? Why did you choose this number of years?

Dave says 25 years because at 25 years, people start to look at related industries or socialized areas, some examples are teaching, inspecting, general contracting sales, and technical advisor.


Pipes: Creative Commons

McDonalds: Creative Commons