HCE 9 – English Write

When I look at the picture, I see a small green bird on the right side and 5 dark birds on the left side of the picture. I also see 3 of the dark birds are holding signs with racist words, probably directed at the small bird. I can also see some emotion from the bird on the far left when he is even able to look which tells me that he has no respect for the small bird or doesn’t care. I think that the sign that is telling the small bird to go back to Africa, is the artist’s way of telling us that he is representing racism through birds because there are different types of birds all over the world.  I  think that through the signs the artist connects the fact that birds migrate to humans immigrating to other places being used as a twist to make the picture more cartoony or interesting. I also think that the author made the background darker and the background brighter where the birds are as a tool to lower the mood and make each side look different. I can also see the artist incorporating the theme of inclusivity using worms as a way to symbolize how racism can prevent the small bird from getting any worms. This makes me feel sad because of what is happening to the small bird. But I also feel happy that artists are finding new and interesting ways to symbolize racism instead of just plain old pictures. After looking at this picture, some lingering feelings I had were of how amazing it was that the artist was able to create a very interesting and cartoony picture while also being able to add in small things to tell the person looking at it a message.